Mexican Government Discloses Shocking Footage Of Recovered Alien Body

When Barack Obama became President the first thing he asked about was UFOs. Because if you’re the President you can finally learn what’s inside Area 51.

American Airlines confirmed its pilots reported a UFO sighting two years ago. But pilots have been reporting UFOs since 1948. Here’s Naval footage that appears to be a UFO.

‘Something’ doesn’t necessarily mean extraterrestrial in origin. I don’t believe there are extraterrestrial beings that have visited earth, in the sense that I don’t give it greater than 50% likelihood that this is true. However recently-declassified photos, and statements from government leaders with access to highly classified material suggesting they believe there’s something to UFOs, certainly raises my estimate that this is true from negligible to non-negligible. And in the past couple of years I’ve raised my personal estimate from zero to 1% to perhaps 3%?

It’s possible that there aren’t beings from outer space, that if there are we’ll never find them, that they’ve probed us and are avoiding contact (prime directive?) or even that it’s actually future human societies traveling back in time (or else, why be so interested in earth over everything else that’s out there?).

Or just that over time that we’ve been watching, with so many people in the world and so much time, eventually we see outlier phenomenon we can’t explain and it’s just… phenomenon we can’t explain. And just because we can’t explain it doesn’t make it alien.

The Mexican government seems to be suggesting that not only are there aliens, but we have bodies, and we’ve extensively experimented on them. They’ve even shared the footage.

When I was a senior in high school, the national finals of debate were held in Fargo, North Dakota. In the final round of the qualifying tournament, my partner and I argued with our opponents from West Bakersfield High School over which of us would be going cow tipping a couple of months later.

So many high school students descended on Fargo that we couldn’t get flights there, and wound up flying Northwest Airlines to Grand Forks and driving. Jimmy ‘J.J.’ Walker was playing the lounge at our hotel. But I digress.

This was long before YouTube and cell phone cameras. Fifteen years later I realized, if it’s not on YouTube it must not be real. And I began questioning everything. Like cow tipping.

For a long time, then, I discounted UFOs because there was no cell phone video. People seemed to stop talking about them, saying they saw them. But then we started getting video. It was often government video. Why is it always government video? And why do these alien bodies look exactly like what aliens have looked like in Hollywood movies for decades? Were screenwriters and prop managers read in on classified documents? Or…?

Barack Obama thinks UFOs are real, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson says something is out there and we don’t know what, and the late former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the government has been hiding details of UFOs for years. Former CIA Director John Brennan thinks there may be life on other planets too.

Something does seem to be going on. As best I can tell, governments do not actually seem to know what. But I do not think it is.. this?

Hat tip to Marginal Revolution who asks, “Is this just the Virgen of Guadalupe all over again? But with photos and sensor readings? Por favor, explica’ me a mi!”

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. “Congressional hearings” in Mexico? About UFOs, given all the other problems they have to solve? That should give you some kind of clue this is fake…

  2. Gary, why would you not believe there is life on other planets and some may be much more advanced that we are? Out of billions of stars it is statistically almost impossible to believe we are the only life out there. To believe otherwise is really egotistical.

  3. Most likely unknown phenomena of which there may be a lot in the atmosphere, but still…. The problem is the laws of physics. The universe could be teeming with bacterial life, and occasionally (very rarely) evolutionary conditions would be right for multicellular organisms to evolve, which may eventually reach or exceed the intelligence level of humans. Even with the narrow time window for people and aliens to be about on the same technological levels there still could be millions of such civilizations now out there.

    But what do we mean by “now”? Unless there have been totally new breakthroughs in physics the speed of light means that interstellar travel in anything remotely like a human time frame is completely impossible even if such ships can be built. So what we are seeing in other galaxies is millions to billions of years old. This doesn’t mean that a civilization couldn’t spread through a galaxy it just would be incredibly slow, and any “flying saucers” aren’t going home again. So that makes the whole thing highly doubtful, though just this side of being impossible. As for time travel, there are even more issues against that, such as the need for infinite energy and the problem of one thing being simultaneously in two places. This is fun to speculate and read about, like the ’30s and ’40s science fiction that I grew up reading, but sadly it is highly unlikely.

  4. @AC “Gary, why would you not believe there is life on other planets and some may be much more advanced that we are? ”

    Actually that’s not what I wrote!

    – I believe it is less than 50% likely that such beings have visited earth
    – They may exist and we’ll just never find them
    – We may not be that interesting to advanced societies elsewhere!
    – So perhaps, if anyone is visiting us, they’re uniquely interested in us… maybe future human societies traveling back in time

  5. You can move forward in time at different relative speeds, but you can’t travel back in time. Otherwise, you would exist in multiples.

    And affirming that travel at extreme speeds, such as even close to light speed, is infeasible. This rules out in-person interstellar travel, except for the most proximate solar systems. That leaves self-repairing, self-replenishing AI probes as the only remaining option.

    As our technology catches up, we’ll find out whether those “unconfirmed sightings” are indeed natural, man-made, or extra-terrestrial.

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