Miami Airport Mayhem: Green Plastic-Wrapped Passenger Tries To Check Himself In As Luggage!

A passenger at the Miami airport brought another man up to the check-in counters for South American airline LATAM. That man was shrink-wrapped. The man assisting carefully lifts him and places him on a baggage scale. Later, the man in green plastic carefully hops away from the check-in area.

It is very popular for passengers traveling to South America to plastic wrap their luggage. I’ve never understood the impulse, but there are wrapping services sold in check-in halls at many airports. However this is exclusively for luggage, and not for people. But checked bags are cheaper than a second ticket!

The wrapped man’s companion eventually dismantles the green plastic prior to proceeding through security, surrounded by local police.

A man famously checked a beer can as a standalone bag and it made it all the way to baggage claim. American didn’t quite deliver a single bottle of deoderant, though. It most likely got lost in the airport baggage system. People have checked a garbage can and even a plate of sushi has been delivered out to baggage claim.

So many things can get checked! They don’t always make it all the way. And at the same time, you don’t want your items messed with after checking it, either, as United Airlines passengers have sometimes learned when checking bottles of booze. Plastic wrap, though, doesn’t stop TSA inspections!

Human beings, though, cannot be transported as cargo – even if it seems the distinction with modern airline economy is think at best.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. That you don’t understand the impulse tells me everything I need to know about your history of flying to, through, or from MIA. i.e. – never.

  2. The shrink wrapping of luggage makes sense because of the possibility that drugs will be added. This could be to create a distraction from the “real” smugglers–pick some innocent and throw a bit in there. But it can also be due to the risk that zealous cops will tear everything apart looking for non-existent contraband. A person I know who went to San Andreas Island, a Caribbean spot that Colombia owns, says it is routine to shrink wrap every suitcase just to avoid that latter possibility.

  3. What ever happen to the college pranks of the 60’s?
    Today, it’s Twitter news!!

  4. Only at Miami. I think this is a typical Tik Tok “prank” from a couple of losers trying to become famous. A few years back flying DFW/MIA (and again MIA) a woman in business class snuck her friend from coach under her business seat- the part where the flatbed extends out. I was on the flight and witnessed the entire event. As the flight was beginning to pushback flight attendants noticed an empty coach seat, the flight was completely full. The plane stopped, the FA came on the PA asking for that passenger to report to the galley. Presumably the FAs thought she may have gone into the lav. When she finally came out from her hiding place the plane went back to the gate, the cops came on and dragged them both off. One of the FA told us that when she was arguing with the cops over being thrown off the two passengers said they were doing this for a Tik Tok video.

  5. A friend once mailed a coconut from Hawaii via USPS. Not in a box. With address label and postage stapler to the surface.

    It arrived at the proper location on time.

  6. It looks like the wrapping would be a problem for using the bathroom and if the person fell over. On the other hand, it may make the bathrooms on the airplane more pleasant if most people were wrapped before boarding.

  7. Hey Gary,

    After sitting cattle call coach, especially toward the rear of the plane, I would think that cargo class would be more comfortable. At least now, I pay up to be in business class or just don’t go.

  8. @Rob I mailed myself a coconut USPS like that as a souvenir a long time ago! I had to clear the coconut thru the agricultural inspection first (I picked the coconut off the ground in a coconut grove). I think I wrote the address with sharpie & stapled stamps onto the husk. I learned about this while there, apparently it was popular/common for tourists to do?

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