12 Nations Ask The E.U. To Allow Airlines To Steal Money From Customers

Apr 29 2020

Airlines are cancelling flights and downsizing their operations because of the global coronavirus pandemic. When they don’t fly the flights they’ve sold, they have to refund customers’ money.

The European Union’s rule 261 applies and requires these refunds. The E.U. reiterated that last month. However European airlines have been ignoring this and not processing refunds, at least for their European customers.

Now 12 European nations are siding with airlines against their people.

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Wow: United MileagePlus Devalues Partner Award Travel

Apr 29 2020

Yesterday United Airlines removed partner award charts from its website. The only reason a loyalty program removes award charts is so that they can raise the price of awards while trying to hide what they’re doing. I have never seen a program eliminate award charts and become more valuable.

We now know exactly why United pulled these charts yesterday without any notice to members. Seriously, they’re doing this now?

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This Private Pilot Is The Hero We All Need

Apr 28 2020

On Tuesday evening a private pilot took this flight over Maryland.

The Blue Angels and Thunderbirds performed a joint flyover, the Navy and Air Force squadrons performed a tribute to health care workers over Philadelphia, Trenton and New York. But this one solo pilot, I think, truly did the country proud.

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United Removes Star Alliance Award Chart From Its Website, Says Pricing Is All Dynamic

Apr 28 2020

United said that partner awards would continue to price as they always had even once award charts were removed for United flights. This wasn’t true – since they were charging extra for booking partner flights close to departure.

Nevertheless they kept a copy of the Star Alliance award chart on their website. Now they’ve removed it. And a spokesperson says this is exactly what you should have expected!

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