US Airways 50% Bonus on Transferred Miles in June

Just as May’s 100% bonus on purchased miles ends, US Airways has a new deal for June: a 50% bonus on shared (transferred) miles. The offer is just like the one US Airways had back in April but with a slight kicker: in addition to the bonus miles, they’re also waiving the $30 per-transaction fee. Limited time offer: Give a 50% bonus and skip the processing fee when you Share Miles! Now through June 30, 2013, when you share miles, you won’t pay the processing fee. Plus, you’ll give 50% more – up to 25,000 bonus miles. Transferring miles costs a penny per mile. And they give you a 50% bonus. Which means if all you’re looking at is the cost to generate new miles, the price is 2.15 cents per mile (since there’s a…

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Up to 30% Bonus When You Buy Hyatt Points in June

Just like in June of 2012 and for one week earlier this year, Hyatt is offering a bonus of 10% – 30% on points purchases through the end of June. The more points you purchase the higher the bonus. 1000 – 9000 points gets a 10% bonus. Buying 9000 points means you receive 9900 points at a cost of 2.18 cents apiece. 10,000 – 29,000 points gets a 20% bonus. Buying 29,000 points means you receive 34,800 points at a cost of 2 cents apiece. 30,000 – 40,000 points gets you a 30% bonus. Buying 40,000 points means you receive 52,000 points at a cost of 1.846 cents apiece. Hyatt Gold Passport allows a maximum purchase of 40,000 points per year. I value Hyatt points at 1.5 cents apiece. I would not do this on a…

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Bits ‘n Pieces for June 1, 2013

News and Notes from Around the Interweb: $35 Free Credit for new Uber (on-demand car service) users is available through June 5. Enter a comment in my blog giveaway by Noon eastern on Sunday for a chance to win a 2-night HYATT house stay with ‘very important resident’ status. United appears to have eliminated the option to redeem points earned via their co-branded credit card for elite qualifying miles. Air France first class awards are now available for redemption, and not just for elite members spending double miles. The prices are silly, though, especially for a product that’s below world standard. And they’re outrageously priced even as 50% off promo awards. Rapid Travel Chai had a much more difficult time getting a transit visa to visit Saudi Arabia than Matthew Klint did.

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Hilton New York – Manhattan’s Biggest Hotel – Ends Room Service

This strikes me as a big deal in the hotel industry. The New York Hilton Midtown is the largest hotel in the city, with nearly 2,000 rooms. In August, it will earn another distinction: It will discontinue room service, becoming the largest property in the Big Apple that does not offer the amenity. The move will eliminate 55 jobs. It could also ignite an industrywide trend. Other hotels, such as the Hudson in New York and the Public in Chicago, are already nibbling at the concept, offering meals delivered in brown paper bags rather than dome-covered dishes. The Hilton New York will open a ‘grab ‘n go’ that guests can use, and lay off 55 staff as a result of the change. Room service is costly to service (high staffing costs, not to mention the…

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Citibank Shutting Down Credit Card Accounts and Banning Customers

… and I say “meh.” I’ve gotten several e-mails from readers in the past few days who have had their Citibank credit card accounts shut down. Mostly this involves people who had signed up for Citibank credit cards that would earn 5 Thank You points per dollar on specific categories of spending, who then did large dollar volume purchases of gift cards and other financial instruments that could be turned back into cash. Certainly I get that this wasn’t what Citi intended in offering the card with this benefit. And I wouldn’t have a problem with them ending the promotion early, or even ending it early for specific cardholders they feel are abusing the benefit. They’re going too far, in my view, in that they seem to be (1) confiscating previously-earned points, and (2) even…

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TSA Illegally Blocking Airports from Opting for Private Screeners

When the FAA was re-authorized in 2012, legislation demanded that the TSA quit bottlenecking the process for airports to opt for private screeners, the way that some like San Francisco International have already done. But according to the June Airport Policy News, the TSA is playing new games with the certification process to avoid any airports opting out of TSA screeners. Not a single new contract has been approved, and procurements that were underway have been halted with the intention of ‘starting the process over later.’ Orlando Sanford airport has an approved application allowing it to bring on private screeners, it just hasn’t been allowed to contract for them. The TSA has added a new “cost efficiency target” for which if contracts don’t hit, they won’t be awarded. Basically the TSA says they won’t let…

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Club Carlson Rules for Points Transfers Between Accounts Changing TOMORROW

Club Carlson has had the most generous rules for transferring points between member accounts — no restrictions. That changes June 1. In contrast to Club Carlson’s past generosity (but still quite generous), Starwood lets members at the same residential mailing address move Starpoints between accounts. That’s useful if you want to put miles into a family member’s airline miles account (you transfer from your Starwood account to theirs, and from their Starwood account to their airline account, since the names on the Starwood account the points are coming from and the mileage account points are going to must match). Starwood has cracked down in recent times, trying to ensure that members aren’t just changing addresses to facilitate transfers. Club Carlson took no such precautions. There were no restrictions whatsoever on points transfers. You could move…

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Air Canada Double Elite Qualifying Miles on Various Routes Through July 31

Air Canada is offering double elite qualifying miles with Flex, Latitude or Executive Class fares through July 31 on a variety of routes between Toronto and Montreal and Ottawa, and between Canada and 13 East Coast airports: Registration is required. Qualifying booking classes are: Flex (M,U,H,Q,V,W,S,K,L,T); Latitude (Y,B); Executive Class Lowest (D,Z); and Executive Class Flexible (J,C). And, no, I don’t expect US carriers to match. 🙂

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2000 Bonus Miles for Your First Hotel Booking with Rocketmiles

.. and since their average payout is also 3000 miles per night, that may mean 11,000 miles on a 3-night stay. A couple of weeks ago I wrote about PointsHound as my new favorite hotel booking site. They rebate a good chunk of their booking commission to you in the form of airline miles, and they’ve got over 1000 hotels now where you can earn miles for the booking and still earn stay credit towards your status in the relevant hotel’s frequent guest program. Put another way, I like it better than booking direct because I still get all the same benefits and I also earn miles. They have a referral program where you get 250 bonus miles for the first stay you make booked through the site, and the person who refers you gets…

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Leave a Comment for a Chance to Win a 2-Night HYATT house Stay With Very Important Resident Status

Yesterday I posted about HYATT house’s new extended stay VIP benefits and that I’d be doing a giveaway of a 2-night HYATT house stay that waives the 30 day requirement to qualify for “Very Important Resident” status on that stay and gets you the inside track on giving those benefits a spin. Here’s how to enter to win: Read about the new HYATT house ‘Very Important Resident’ benefits. Leave a comment in this current contest post, answering the question “Which new benefit is your favorite and why?” Is it the ability to pick your suite, the grocery shopping service, the personalized hotel tour, or something else? You may enter up to once a day — and I give you a bit of slack in this, I won’t disqualify any entry as long as you don’t…

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