united baggage

Search Results for "united baggage".

Two Men Netted $550,000 By Claiming Airlines Lost Their Luggage

person pulling lugage
Sep 27 2021

When I was a kid growing up in New York, baggage claim checks were required when leaving the airport with your luggage. I used to only see this at New York-area airports. I helped prevent people from picking up the wrong bag, and also prevent someone from intentionally taking a bag that didn’t belong to them. I haven’t seen that process in a U.S. airport in many years, and of course New York isn’t the city that it used to be when Ed Koch was mayor where this really was necessary.

Maybe that would have stopped two men who have been charged with stealing over $550,000 from U.S. airlines by making false lost luggage claims since 2015.

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Do Checked Bags Still Have To Travel With Domestic Passengers For Security Reasons?

Sep 17 2021

Positive Passenger/Bag Matching (“PPBM”) was common in Europe before the United States, though programs developed here in the years following the the bombing of Pan Am flight 103. It means that the passenger and their bag has to travel on the same flight. If a passenger offloads from the aircraft, the baggage has to be removed also.

The idea there is that for security reasons you don’t want a passenger putting something on the aircraft (a checked bag) without tying their own life to its contents.

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Free Airport Meet-And-Greet Concierge Service At Denver Airport

Aug 31 2021

There are premium airport departure, connection and arrival services that you can buy all over the world. Some are offered by airlines, others by airports, and some by third party services. The services can run hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Denver’s airport is actually trialing a meet and greet service to assist passengers with departures, arrivals and connections. And at this point the service is free.

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