Virgin Increases Award Pricing

virgin atlantic
Jan 14 2006

Virgin Atlantic is ‘refreshing’ its program earning and redemption. The upshot is that some awards are getting more expensive, for example Upper Class awards from the U.K. to the U.S. are currently 80,000 points and will be going up to 90,000 points (Boston/New York/Washington DC) or 100,000 points (Miami/Orlando/Vegas/Los Angeles/San Francisco). The old award chart is here.

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Check the expiration dates of your buy-on-board meals!

Jan 13 2006

Some Flyertalkers are reporting that United’s buy-on-board snack boxes are frequently expired. Bought a minimeal yesterday DEN-BWI and noticed the salami (or whatever it is) was dated use by 1/4 – 4 days past due. I ate it anyway Its 24 hours later and so far so good So I looked on the box itself and faintly impressed on the bottom is a date which said 12/16! …which I presume is the packing date… Im not one to complain so I didn’t but you may want to check those dates before you pop it open. Surprising for coming out of a hub… they must have quite a backlog of those meals! A flight attendant suggests exchanging expired meat for fresh meat: We’ve had quite a few snackboxes with outdated items lately. We are happy to…

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Don’t Throw Away Junk Mail from American Express

I got a nice card from American Express today that really did look like junk mail — bulk mail stamp, etc. — but contained the sweetest little words. It said that I’m entitled to 50% off a single award redemption for free hotel nights (5th night free and reduced-price weekend awards don’t apply). The offer includes category 1 to 4 hotels on awards booked through February 28 for stays through June 30. The redemption code on the card is 50AMX, but you have to be targeted by American Express to be able to use this. You actually can throw away the card. You can find out whether you were targeted for the offer by calling Starwood and asking if you’re registered for the promotion 5AX. Oddly enough, the cover of the note from American Express…

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Changes to the Hertz #1 Club Gold Terms & Conditions

This San Francisco Chronicle piece details changes to the Hertz #1 Club Gold contract that took effect on January 1. Customers didn’t used to be responsible for damage to cars in the case of force majeur events, now they are. Hertz also reserves the right to place a hold on a customer’s credit card for $200 above the anticipated rental charges. Not included in the artcile is that Hertz’s ‘grace period’ of an hour for computing rental charges has been scaled back to 30 minutes. This last item is a big deal for me. Hertz has otherwise been the best rental company in my view. I prefer not to do business with Cendant companies like Avis though I find I do rent from them most often, and probably will do so more in the future.

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Changes to the Hertz #1 Club Gold Terms & Conditions

This San Francisco Chronicle piece details changes to the Hertz #1 Club Gold contract that took effect on January 1. Customers didn’t used to be responsible for damage to cars in the case of force majeur events, now they are. Hertz also reserves the right to place a hold on a customer’s credit card for $200 above the anticipated rental charges. Not included in the artcile is that Hertz’s ‘grace period’ of an hour for computing rental charges has been scaled back to 30 minutes. This last item is a big deal for me. Hertz has otherwise been the best rental company in my view. I prefer not to do business with Cendant companies like Avis though I find I do rent from them most often, and probably will do so more in the future.

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Changes to the Hertz #1 Club Gold Terms & Conditions

This San Francisco Chronicle piece details changes to the Hertz #1 Club Gold contract that took effect on January 1. Customers didn’t used to be responsible for damage to cars in the case of force majeur events, now they are. Hertz also reserves the right to place a hold on a customer’s credit card for $200 above the anticipated rental charges. Not included in the artcile is that Hertz’s ‘grace period’ of an hour for computing rental charges has been scaled back to 30 minutes. This last item is a big deal for me. Hertz has otherwise been the best rental company in my view. I prefer not to do business with Cendant companies like Avis though I find I do rent from them most often, and probably will do so more in the future.

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Will Strip for Airfare

Jared Blank reports that a 22-year old Lithuanian woman ran out of cash in Cancun and decided to strip in the airport to get money for a ticket. He says she was high at the time, but I just assume she thought Spring Break came early this year. I’m surprised, though, that she was permitted into the country without a return ticket. I’m not familiar with Mexico’s rules for anyone but U.S. citizens, so I don’t claim to be an expert, but I would have expected she would be required to have return flights booked before being permitted through immigration. Not that I’m generally asked to provide proof even when it is in fact a requirement.

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Hooters Hotel Set to Open

Via HotelChatter, the former San Remo set to become Hooters Hotel in Las Vegas will open next month. The hotel even has a blog. As for me, I’ll stick to the Bellagio (which is a huge hotel, please don’t confuse it with luxury).

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Northwest Discounts Award Prices to Australia

Jan 13 2006

Northwest is offering discounted award redemption from North America to Sydney for travel between February 1 and April 30, 2006. The offer is a 20,000 mile reduction in cost for coach travel (reduced from 100,000 to 80,000 miles) and a 30,000 mile reduction for business class (reduced from 150,000 to 120,000 miles) and applies to travel on Air Tahiti Nui one-stop flights from either New York-JFK or Los Angeles via Papeete. This still is an expensive award relative to competitors. United’s regular coach award to Australia is 60,000 miles and business class is 90,000 miles — 10,000 less than the usual Northwest coach award and only 10,000 more than the discounted coach award! But for folks stuck in the Worldperks program this is a good deal, and in my experience Air Tahiti Nui offers excellent…

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Bonuses for Paying Taxes by Credit Card Resurface

Once again you can earn double Starwood points for paying your taxes by credit card (up to $5,000). The bonus applies to payments made between March 15 and April 17 and the bonus should post sometime between June 10 and July 8. I fully expect that all of the usual suspect double miles for tax payment offers will resurface again this year. Double miles are necessary to make this a somewhat attractive offer because paying by credit card incurs a 2.49% “convenience fee.” Alas, lucrative offers from the past like 5000 bonus miles for making any tax payment with the United Visa (I paid $5 online in 2003 and paid the rest by check) are probably not in the cards.

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