Frontier offers status matches as well

While we’re at it, via Gary Steiger’s Free Frequent Flyer Miles page: If you are an Elite level member of another airline’s frequent flyer program, Frontier will make you an EarlyReturns Ascent member immediately, plus 5000 bonus miles for each flight (up to 15,000 bonus miles) for flights taken by January 31, 2004. Simply send in your name, EarlyReturns number, and most recent other airline statement showing your Elite status for 2003 to or fax in a copy of your other airline statement to (720) 374-4375 (attn: Quick Ascent).

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Airtran: instant elite status for life?

Airtran’s A-Plus Rewards program has an elite level, which normally takes “20 or more base credits flying AirTran Airways within any 90-day period” or “50 or more base credits flying AirTran Airways within any 365-day period” to qualify.The website doesn’t seem to say how long the status will last. I’ve heard references, though, to the status lasting for life. In other words, once elite always elite. If true, this is a really valuable perk. And in December, Airtran is offering up their elite status to anyone with elite status on another airline. I’m going to fill out their matching form and send it in. Seems like a pretty good deal to me!

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Ever think of traveling to visit Col. Qaddafi?

The U.S. renewed its ban on travel to Libya but plans to review the policy every 90 days.Lifting the ban would be good news for savvy travelers who would be able to travel to Libya and then begin international trips from there. Airfares ex-Tripoli are among the absolute lowest in the world. First class round the world fares (think 30,000 flown miles on a mix of international carriers) can be had for around US$3000!

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Miles for cell phone service

Keith Alexander’s “Business Class” column in the Washington Post yesterday covered bonus mile offers for cell phone plans. Customers will find it easier to switch carriers now that they can keep their existing phone numbers.My own expectation is that initial lucrative rebates and signup offers will become a bit less generous, because with greater potential for switching carriers down the road the lifetime value of a customer for a cell provider will be lower. However, there will be switching incentives and new incentives for re-upping on contracts. Previously bonus offers were generally only good for “new” customers. Now any customer not under contract ought to be seen as a “new” customer.For a good summary of current mileage offers, check out the “telephone” section of Gary Steiger’s Free Frequent Flyer Miles page.

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Flowers, bonus miles

I often order flowers, gift baskets, etc. both personally and for work. And ordering on the internet is the simplest way to go. So I’m always scrounging around for the most rewarding offers. Here’s one that may fit the bill for some: through the end of the year, is offering 15 American Airlines miles per dollar spent.

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