Airport parking on the cheap

Ed Perkins writes about finding off-airport parking deals. There’s a pretty neat website that searches for deals and availability for parking lots and also searches lodging rates that include free parking while you’re away.

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JetBlue Spinsanity

In light of the revelation that JetBlue had agreed to provide passenger data to the TSA to test CAPPS II, the Computerized Airline Passenger Pre-Screening System, the airline went into spin mode claiming: No JetBlue customer information has been shared with the US Government with respect to testing the CAPPS II program currently under design. Bill Scannell proves JetBlue is lying. JetBlue gave full passenger data to a government contractor to test a prototype program that wasn’t yet being referred to as CAPPS II. So while technically true that they weren’t helping with a “program currently under design,” their response is completely disingenous. A summary of the contractor’s analysis, which even includes some passenger addresses and social security numbers, is available online to prove it, too. (Link via Reason‘s Hit and Run.)

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United enrollment bonus

United is offering a 3000 mile bonus for new enrollments in Mileage Plus.This is the first enrollment bonus from United that I’ve since in a very long time which doesn’t require a flight to get the miles. So if you don’t already have an account — or you know someone who doesn’t have an account — now is the time to get one! This offer is valid through October 15th.Now, a new Mileage Plus member may want to accumulate miles quickly — by getting the United Visa which carries a $60 annual fee and rewards you with 20,000 bonus miles.

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Cheap Transatlantic Fares Now Available

Looks like cheap Winter transatlatic fares (traveling beginning in November) have been loaded. I’m seeing $200+tax from the East Coast and $300+tax from the West Coast. Of course tax runs $85 or so.Happens every year. You just have to be patient. Voila!

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Real knives come back. How about linens and hot towels, too?

Metal knives are back in first class on Northwest and they’re coming back on Continental. The stupid TSA rule that banned them has been reversed. After all, metal forks were just as dangerous. You can’t bring your own version of the very same knife, though. While knives are allowed on the plane they aren’t allowed through security. Doesn’t that get it in reverse? I thought the point of not allowing an object through security was to prevent it from getting onto the plane. I guess I’m old-fashioned that way.

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A contest for Canada

Canadian residents can enter a contest for 250,000 Air Canada Aeroplan miles. It’s on the front page of the Claritin website. I understant that Canadian packages of Claritin have miles on the boxes as well, but I don’t go up to Canada often and haven’t verified this.

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I’m not a fan of their changes at all, but I want to send out a hearty cheer to both Continental and Alaska for announcing changes to next year’s program over three months in advance.I don’t know how good a job they’ll do communicating changes to their general membership. And really, notice ought to be at the end of 2002/beginning of 2003 for changes in 2004 — after all, travelers are flying all year in 2003 for 2004 benefits — but it’s important to applaud advance notice of changes just as it’s important to condemn lack of notice.

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