Whoops. The New York

Whoops. The New York Times runs a correction today that really is a big oops for them. Because of an editing error, a front-page article yesterday about diplomatic developments in the Iraq crisis misidentified the Bush administration official who said about the weapons inspectors in Iraq, “At some point it will become obvious that it’s time for them to go.” It was an administration official speaking on condition of anonymity, not Condoleezza Rice, President Bush’s national security adviser. Sorry, but the cat is out of the bag…(Thanks to Slate’s Today’s Papers for the pointer.)

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Double or Triple Dip with

Double or Triple Dip with your Online Shopping. I’ve written before about how you can and should earn miles for your online shopping. All it takes is logging into your favorite store through a mileage-earning site (such as the Northwest Worldperks Mall, the United Mileage Plus Mall, Goldpoints, AirMilesMart, etc. etc.). You can check whether your store gives points, and with which program, at Rewards Lookup.com. Here’s a tip that’s been a bit of the buzz over at Flyertalk — The Northwest Worldperks Mall gives points for purchasing gift certificates at GiftCertificates.com. You earn 3 Northwest miles per dollar there. So simply buy a gift certificate for the store you’re about to buy from. The gift cert is e-mailed to you instantly. You’ll get miles for the gift certificate, and then when you shop at…

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Two for one awards with

Two for one awards with SAS. SAS Eurobonus members in North America can book special two for one awards from the U.S. to Scandinavia for travel by March 15th. 50,000 points are two coach tickets and 70,000 points are two business class tickets with this promotion. Simply call SAS to book this. (Thanks to MilesLink for the pointer.)

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You can now earn 50

You can now earn 50 America West miles for each Super Shuttle trip you make to or from the airport. I don’t actually see mention of the offer on the website, but you should be able to give your Flight Fund number when making a reservation. Hey, 50 miles is better than nothin’.

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Alaska Airlines is making

Alaska Airlines is making some common sense improvements to its website. Others should follow — especially in making it easy to view all of the rules associated with a fare before purchasing.

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