Extra miles for everyday purchases. Most people know about mileage earning credit cards. However, those aren’t the only way to get miles for your purchases. Everyday items can be purchased online. That isn’t news to blog readers. What might be news is that if you start out at a web shopping portal you can earn points for those online purchases. Before buying anything online, you’ll want to go to one of the following portals: Mypoints Milesource (Discounts and free airline tickets) Goldpoints (Miles with any major airline — or Radisson hotel stays for shopping) Clickrewards (American and USAirways miles for shopping) Airmilesmart (Miles with most major airlines for shopping) Worldperks Mall (Northwest airlines miles for shopping) There are very few items you can buy that you can’t get miles for! If you don’t want to…
:: how jedi are you? ::
:: how jedi are you? ::
:: how jedi are you? ::
Very cool. Props
Very cool. Props for this site from The Daily Dose. Hey, Thanks!
Wow. A reference
Wow. A reference by Instapundit. Thanks, Professor! Instapundit readers, welcome. Bookmark this site and come back often for tips on flying first class for free, accumulating points for free travel, and other stuff.
In my Winter 2002 Doublethink
In my Winter 2002 Doublethink article (pdf here, HTML here) I argued that our nation’s approach to terrorism was ultimately failed, because all of the security measures in the world will be unable to stop would-be terrorists. All of the civil liberties we give up in exchange for security will ultimately fail to make us safe. In the end, we will be both unsafe and unfree. In particular, I argued that airport security would simply move the target to the security and check-in line. Lo and behold on July 4th, a gunman attacked an El Al ticket counter in Los Angeles. In the above article, I predicted that the government’s response to an attack outside of security would simply be to move out the perimeter of security. Lo and behold, I’m sitting here watching CNN’s…
A new pro-family
A new pro-family policy from the government of Malaysia.
Life imitates art. I wonder
Life imitates art. I wonder if this woman has even seen American Pie 2?
From the “if it exists,
From the “if it exists, government will tax it” file — North Victoria, Australia has approved a vomit tax.