Don’t Be Complacent, Crimes And Crises Are Happening At Hotels All Around Us

May 08 2022

Many of the crimes here just happened to occur at hotels, or happened because of the specific things guests chose to do while at hotels. As long as you don’t engage in exceptionally risky behavior, they probably won’t happen to you.

Legionnaires disease, of course, is another story entirely. And always sweep your room for hidden cameras if you’re someone that’ll mind being videotaped naked.

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Report: German Airline Refuses To Fly Jews After Various Passengers Refused To Wear Masks

lufthansa plane
May 08 2022

A large group of Jewish passengers were kept from traveling on a Lufthansa connecting flight to Budapest on Wednesday after some Jewish passengers – and some non-Jews – had mask compliance issues on board Lufthansa’s flight 401 from New York JFK to Frankfurt.

A Lufthansa representative explains that Jews caused the problems, so the airline approached this as collective guilt.

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Now That Bask Bank Offers 1.25%, Should You Choose Miles Or Interest For Your Savings?

May 08 2022

Bask Bank is known for its Mileage Savings Account which awards American AAdvantage miles rather than interest – the math on this works out especially well in what’s still a low-interest rate environment.

They’ve also launched a Bask Interest Savings Account and they’ve just raised the interest rate (APY) by 56% after the recent Fed meeting.

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New American Airlines Snack Box For Customers During Long Delays

May 07 2022

Airlines used to regularly hand out meal vouchers during flight delays. When it was their fault, they’d cover food costs for passengers and that was expensive.

About 8 years ago, after being taken over by US Airways, American Airlines came up with a solution to save money. They’d roll out carts of snacks to gates on long delays instead of giving customers meal vouchers.

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