Is The American Airlines Alliance With JetBlue Toast?

Apr 22 2022

During its first quarter earnings call, American Airlines was asked about the consumer benefits of the tie-up with JetBlue. And the airline also got questions about how JetBlue’s bid for Spirit Airlines would affect it’s ability to keep the JetBlue partnership, since the government opposes the arrangement and will have a say in JetBlue’s merger attempt as well.

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American Airlines CEO Says They’re Turning Away From Focus On D0

american airlines lounge
Apr 22 2022

American Airlines has focused like a laser on “D0” – exact on time departures – over nearly all other priorities. That hasn’t always made them a reliable airline, but it’s led to numerous dysfunctions.

American Airlines CEO Robert Isom signaled in his first earnings call that he’s shifting the focus of the airline from this metric to a broader set of priorities that will operate reliably while also taking care of customers.

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Video: Mike Tyson Beat Up Passenger Who Talked Too Much On Flight

Apr 21 2022

Iron Mike Tyson was once the ‘baddest man on the planet.’ Based on his behavior on a recent JetBlue flight, he’s still at least second behind Bill O’Reilly.

On Wednesday evening Tyson flew JetBlue from San Francisco to Fort Lauderdale. The man sitting behind him in business class wouldn’t stop talking with him. It began with Tyson agreeing to take a selfie, but when passengers wouldn’t leave him alone Tyson let them know he’d have enough.

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CDC Plans To Try To Re-Impose Mask Mandate

Apr 20 2022

The CDC and the Administration has bungled this. They should have taken the win of having the mandate end without their having to end it. Now the best they can do is file an appeal, without having the order stayed, and then let the appeal become moot with the expiration of the rule. Worse would be to litigate this aggressively with the ensuing chaos of trying to re-impose the mandate.

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