New Avis Warning About Discounts You May Not Be Eligible For

Jun 17 2021

The very first legal nastygram this blog ever received – 17 years ago, if memory serves – was from Avis over posting a list of their discount codes. There was nothing wrong about such a posting, of course.

People have long used discount codes to reduce the cost of their car rentals. Some they may be eligible for, others that are for employees of specific companies or members of specific associations that they aren’t eligible for.

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The Pandemic Is Over: Unhygienic Self-Serve Buffets Back In Delta Lounges

Jun 17 2021

At the start of the pandemic airlines closed their club lounges as passenger numbers plummeted. With traveling returning lounges have been re-opening, and Delta has re-opened clubs more quickly than its major competitors.

They’ve also done more to bring back food. In fact Delta replaced pre-packaged last month in some clubs with buffet service. Last month I noted Detroit where an employee was plating food off the buffet for passengers. Well, the employee is now gone and Delta has returned to self-service petri dish buffets.

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American Airlines Plans To Give All Frontline Employees New Apple iPhones and iPads

Jun 16 2021

American’s ever-excellent Chief Information Officer (and former AAdvantage head) Maya Leibman announced to employees today that the airline will be replacing current mobile devices for all frontline employees as well as line maintenance workers with new Apple mobile devices.

The test of these devices started today with agents at Washington National airport (the airport seems to be where a lot of new processes get tested). Maintenance is already getting new iPads, a priority because they previously carried multiple devices to deal with different aircraft. Pilots and flight attendants will take longer to see the upgrades.

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