Southwest Airlines Kicks UFC Star Off Flight When His 2 Year Old Wouldn’t Mask

Mar 06 2021

Former UFC bantamweight champion Cody Garbrandt was kicked off of a Southwest Airlines flight on Thursday along with his two year old son who wouldn’t wear a mask.

He wrote on Instagram, “F[…] @southwestair got kicked off because my 2 year old son wouldn’t put his mask over his face. This coward flight attendant hid his bitch a[..] in the bathroom.” He didn’t think it was fair to ask his two year old to mask when the two pilots weren’t wearing one.

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American Airlines ‘Vacation Day Plus $50’ Incentive For Employees To Vaccinate

Mar 05 2021

American Airlines is offering employees who get vaccinated an extra vacation day and $50 in rewards. Here’s the employee message from CEO Doug Parker and President Robert Isom about the incentive – something that will become increasingly important as supplies become more abundant and we need to convince vaccine hesitant people to help us stop the pandemic.

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Weeks After Flight, Mask Wearing Passengers Banned For Not Wearing Masks

spirit plane
Mar 05 2021

Usually it’s fairly cut-and-dried, people don’t dispute the facts or there is a contemporaneous incident with witnesses. Here there doesn’t appear to have been a social media maelstrom, and the family says this came out of the blue. There’s no due process involved. Someone could easily be banned by mistake, maybe a cabin crew member writes down the wrong row number by mistake or the wrong seats (right row, seats across the aisle).

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Passengers Arriving in Beijing And Shanghai Being Forced To Undergo Covid-19 Anal Swab Testing

Mar 05 2021

Several weeks ago China deployed an ‘anal swab’ test to detect Covid-19, believing it to be more accurate than other testing methods. Passengers in several Chinese airports are now being subjected to these tests, where authorities “insert[..] a cotton-tipped stick three to five centimeters (one to two inches) into the rectum.”

Now China is using this for passengers from ‘high risk countries’ and when multiple people test positive on a flight.

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