New Studies Reporting Covid-19 Transmission On Planes Are Good News!

Sep 20 2020

Documenting just a handful of cases where inflight spread may have occurred is significant as an argument for the safety of flying because there’s never been a virus studied as extensively and intensively in a short period of time as this one. There are millions of people flying throughout the world week after week during the global pandemic, yet we haven’t been able to identify more flights where the virus spread (though there are probably some). This – combined with airline cabin crew having a lower incidence of Covid-19 than the general population, is highly suggestive that inflight spread is very rare.

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A Detroit Rapper Charged The Cockpit And Punched A Gate Agent. Now TSA Is Investigating.

Sep 20 2020

On August 31 Cherrae, who identifies herself as a Detroit rap artist, boarded Spirit Airlines flight 1839 from Las Vegas to Nashville.

According to a report I’ve seen, she was seated in one of Spirit’s “Big Front Seats” and prior to departure a flight attendant asked her several times to wear her mask properly over her nose and mouth. The flight attendant reported that she wouldn’t comply. Things, shall we say, escalated.

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The X1 Credit Card: Game Changer?

Sep 19 2020

We don’t know enough about this product yet to have a real idea of its value – if you can actually generate a 4% return through spend and referrals that’s going to be really strong, but most people won’t be able to successfully refer someone every month. 

Referrals aside then we’re talking about 2% back on the first $15,000 of spend each year. This card is only interesting for spend above $15,000 to get to 3% back. But you’re going to have to spend substantially more than $15,000 on the card before you’re really getting enough value to make the higher rate of return worthwhile.

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A $2.5 Billion Airline Payroll Support Plan Makes More Sense Than What The Airlines Asked For

Sep 19 2020

Airlines have somehow conned the President, the Speaker of the House and myriad members of the House of Representatives and the Senate to sign onto the idea of a $25 billion ‘clean extension’ of CARES Act payroll support. That’s a second $25 billion injection of cash in exchange for not furloughing workers or eliminating service to most cities through March 31, 2021.

Except that the math here is truly insane. No one seems to be doing the math. So let’s talk about what a $2.5 billion package might look like instead.

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Police Meet Flight After Passenger And Flight Attendant Can’t Agree On What A “Mask” Is

Sep 19 2020

A passenger and flight attendant on Spirit Airlines got into an argument over whether the passenger’s mask constituted a ‘mask’. The flight attendant offered the passenger a ‘real mask’- instead of an American flag gaiter – which they refused to wear. Police were contacted to meet the plane.

The most 2020 thing ever is a debate over what the word ‘mask’ means on a commercial aircraft.

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New York City Will Allow Restaurant Covid Surcharges, Defrauding Customers And Employees

Sep 18 2020

New York City’s council passed a law allowing restaurants to add up to a 10% ‘Covid surcharge’ for eat-in dining. Mayor Bill de Blasio is expected to sign it. It is stupid. Restaurants can already raise their prices.

This accomplishes two things: it lets restaurants charge a higher price than they advertise on their menus, and since customers are willing to pay a certain amount for their meal the surcharge reduces tips. It shifts income from restaurant workers to owners.

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Mideast Peace: Emirates Airlines Sets Up Kosher Food Facility

Sep 18 2020

Kosher Arabia should be up and running in January, and will serve Emirates as well as other airlines operating from Dubai. The Dubai-based carrier will no longer have to use a contract caterer to source Kosher meals. Emirates is even exploring opening Kosher restaurants both in Dubai and throughout the region.

For anyone not dedicated to the destruction of Israel, I think, this seems unambiguously a good thing – at least as long as Emirates doesn’t displace some of its fine wines with Manischewitz.

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