FAA Will Continue To Protect Incumbent Airline Slots At The Most Congested Airports

Sep 16 2020

At many congested airports a ‘slot’, or limited number of permissions, is required to take off and land. Generally airlines have slots granted in perpetuity by government and these become properties rights that they can buy, sell, and trade.

However if they don’t use the slots they have at least 80% of the time, they can lose them. These rules have been waived during the pandemic, and the FAA plans to continue extending them.

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American Airlines Will Give You Bonus Points For Traveling On Award Tickets In October

Sep 16 2020

American Airlines will give out 250 bonus miles for every award segment flown in October, up to 2000 miles for eight segments. Registration required by October 7 in the promotions tab of your account.

Notably the bonus is available for flying the segment rather than booking the flight, so if you book award travel for someone else using your miles they can earn this bonus.

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One Man Has Now Flown 22 Million Miles on United Airlines

Sep 15 2020

Two years ago United Airlines flyer Tom Stuker flew his 20 millionth mile. He’s kept up the pace because he just hit 22 million flown miles on United.

Tom Stuler has a Titanium Global Services card and a United plane named after him. Stuker has flown to Australia over 300 times and goes to Hawaii 3-4 times each year. In 2017 he had flown “over 9000 flights” on United.

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[Alive Again] Hurry: Free Unlimited $99 Alaska Airlines Companion Tickets, Without Paying The $99

alaska airlines plane
Sep 15 2020

One of the best deals in travel has long been the annual Alaska Airlines $99 companion ticket that comes with their credit card, since it’s valid for any seat on any flight in conjunction with a paid ticket without restriction – and even earns miles.

Right now though Alaska Airlines is offering companion travel without the $99 payment, without the credit card, and in unlimited quantities.

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How Transportation Policy Will Change In A Biden Administration

Sep 15 2020

During the campaign the challenger will traditionally put together a transition team to work on personnel and policy issues, preparing to hit the ground running if they become President. That doesn’t wait until the election. And that team goes looking for ideas and priorities for issue areas and departments.

One new report is likely a source of many of these ideas for Transportation.

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Through Thursday Only: 20% Off Southwest Flight Redemptions Provides Great Value, No Risk

southwest plane
Sep 15 2020

Southwest Airlines is offering a 20% discount on Rapid Rewards points redemptions when you book by September 17 (Thursday) for travel through October 31, 2020 with promo code SAVE20NOW. This makes your Rapid Rewards points go farther, worth more.

So if you even think you might want to travel in the next six weeks, Southwest is a great choice and booking with points is better (for those not chasing status or a companion pass) than booking with cash.

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A Flight Attendant Served A Passenger Food And Cocktails, Then He Handed Her This Note

Sep 15 2020

At the beginning of the month a passenger handed a flight attendant ‘the worst note ever’. It was so bad – calling the crewmember “a glorified MAID” a “mask nazi” who should be “cleaning motel rooms for $2 tips and meth” and that her life is “a waste.” – that American Airlines suspended the customer’s flying privileges.

Now, if two data points are enough to make a trend, you’re going to be hearing a lot about another customer note given to flight attendant Ariel Ladner on board American Airlines from Tampa to Dallas Monday afternoon.

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