Ironically, the airline says “[t]he passenger was removed for repeatedly disrupting the pre-flight safety briefing which includes reiteration of our inflight face-covering policy.”
Passenger Airdrops Porn, Delaying Flight To Phoenix
On this delayed flight to Phoenix someone was airdropping porn from their iPhone. A flight attendant made an announcement telling parents to make sure kids with iphones have their bluetooth turned off, and that their setting won’t allow receiving files from people not on their contact list.
Airlines have delay codes for weather, mechanical, crew availability and a host of other reasons. This may be the first flight, however, that was delayed by porn.
How Business Travel Will Be Different After Covid-19
The grand experiment in ‘work from home’ has gone better than expected for many companies. Employees all over the world are learning how to do it successfully. It’s not a replacement for in-person interaction, that will happen, just not as often in the office. We’re going to see a new kind of business travel, starting next year.
American Airlines Offers A Shocking Response To Customer’s Refund Request [Roundup]
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips.
Man Sang “Trump, Trump, Trump” Over And Over As He Got Kicked Off An American Airlines Flight
A passenger on Saturday evening’s American Airlines AA883 from Phoenix to Chicago O’Hare delayed all of his fellow customers by an hour when he refused to wear a mask and was removed from the flight.
As he was escorted off the Boeing 737-800, the man sang to himself and anyone in the cabin inclined to listen, “Trump Trump Trump Trump, Trump Trump Trump.”
How Airlines Choose To Make Upgrades Available, And Why One Airline Can Do Better
Here’s how airlines decide to make confirmable upgrade space available. They project how many first class seats they may sell in the cabin, and leave a buffer.
Seats that they know won’t be sold for cash might be given away as upgrades – but they also want to make sure that frequent flyers don’t confirm upgrades instead of paying cash so they’ll limit upgrades even still (often to when first class seats are available inexpensively – then the revenue tradeoff isn’t great, and the temptation not to pay cash is small).
[Roundup] Hotels Are Pivoting To Serve New Markets In Order To Survive
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips.
What It’s Like For Osama Bin Laden’s Niece To Go Through Airport Security
Noor Bin Ladin, who spells her last name with an ‘i’ rather than an ‘e’, was born in Switzerland. Her mother, a Swiss citizen, left her father in Saudi Arabia and raised her family in Europe. Bin Ladin spends much of her time in the United States and shared what airport security is like.
Police Caught On Video Extorting Tourist In Bali
In a video shot last year, that only recently went viral, Bali police officers are videotaped extorting a Japanese tourist.
The visitor was driving a motorbike without its headlights on, which is required both day and night in Indonesia. The maximum fine is less than US$7. However the officers demand one million Indonesian Rupees in cash (about ten times the maximum fine). Since the man didn’t have that much, they haggled and accepted a lower amount. And by the way the officers who approached him aren’t even traffic cops.
Southwest Airlines Fires A Shot At American Airlines In Miami
What makes Miami surprising is that it’s the type of market the ‘old Southwest’ would never have entered. They already have a huge operation in Fort Lauderdale, and a smaller one at West Palm Beach and while they aren’t exactly the same markets there’s huge overlap. Southwest always favored the less expensive airports, and avoided congested business hubs.
Miami is one of the more expensive airports to operate from in the U.S. This was, if not an explicit policy of pre-merger American Airlines to drive up airport costs, something that their management sat by and was ok with happening – because it chased all the low cost carriers to Fort Lauderdale. That’s changing.