New Australian COVID Outbreak Linked To Sex Scandal In Quarantine Hotels

Jul 04 2020

Australia has fewer than 8500 total confirmed cases of COVID-19. The country’s success appears to be a combination of effective policy response and luck.

International arrivals of their own citizens required quarantine. But it’s those quarantine facilities that are the site of a new virus outbreak in Melbourne – and also of a sex scandal. Because the guards were having sex with the passengers being quarantined, and exposing themselves to the virus.

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Unclaimed Baggage Store Now Online Where You Can Buy Other People’s Stuff

Jul 03 2020

When checked baggage gets lost and can’t be reunited with its owner – or someone just doesn’t pick up their luggage – airlines sell the bags after 90 days to the Unclaimed Baggage Center which has built a monopoly in the niche business of selling used items out of luggage.

The store is in Scottsboro, Alabama. They buy bags sight unseen. They comb through the bags to find what to sell, and claim to dry clean clothing they plan to sell and wipe electronics before making those available. The store is a tourist attraction. And now they’re online.

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At The Worst Airline In The World, Bribery Will Get You Everywhere

pakitstan international airlines
Jul 03 2020

Over 30% of airline pilot in Pakistan were found to have fake licenses. But that’s hardly the only scandal. From sacrificing a goat for safety to flying with more passengers than seats (and making customers stand for 1700 miles), Pakistan’s flag carrier is the worst airline in the world.

Now comes a new story about ticket agent corruption that is – it seems – just another day at the airline.

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Guess The Airline? Passenger Kicks Agent In Head, Beats Another With Dustpan, Coughs On Cops Saying She Has COVID-19

spirit plane
Jul 03 2020

Gate agents reported that she became angry over the fee, and things escalated when they told Ms. Jackson they wouldn’t allow her to fly. That’s when she “threw a bag of shoes at the agents at a service desk…reached over the service counter to hit an agent, …punched [another agent] in the head” and things only got more out of hand from there.

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American Airlines Bringing Back Snacks To 2.5 Hour Domestic First Class Flights

Jul 02 2020

When people (1) fly because they have to, and (2) don’t have many competitive options because of reduced schedules, inflight product doesn’t drive business. And airlines are looking to conserve cash. Even when business turns around, it’ll take time for product to recover as carriers try to manage their debt burdens.

In the near-term, airlines are restoring their schedules (somewhat) on domestic routes and there are (some) more passengers willing to travel. That means competition starts to matter.

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