Europe Business Class From $1097 Roundtrip Available Through Mid-January

plane tails
Jun 13 2020

There are business class roundtrips between several U.S. cities and Europe from $1650. That’s an amazing deal, especially from the West Coast, and this deal was available “from San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, New York, Boston, Miami and many more cities in the US” to Paris, Zurich, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Brussels, and more – with travel valid through mid-January.

What’s even more amazing is that some small online travel agency sites are making these fares available for less – much less.

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The New LaGuardia Airport Central Terminal Is Stunning. Who Cares?

Jun 13 2020

There’s been a lot of coverage this week of the opening of the new New York LaGuardia Central Terminal building (a.k.a. “headhouse“). The old terminal B was ugly, the new terminal B is bright from natural light and new. So, shiny things.

The truth about the new project is there’s only one thing about it that really makes the travel experience better, and that’s only going to last a short period of time: new restrooms.

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Why Low Fares Will Be Good News For The Airline Industry

hand holding hundreds of dollars in cash
Jun 13 2020

You’ll know the airline industry is healthy again when we start to see really low fares. There are good deals around right now, but few great deals.

Low fares will signal that it’s possible to encourage people to travel again with good deals. High fares suggest discretionary travelers are still staying away.

So while in normal times, with planes full, airlines prefer high fares – in the COVID-era we need to see low fares before predicting an airline recovery.

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Multi-millionaire Politician Moonlights As Delta Baggage Handler

Jun 13 2020

David Leavitt is worth tens of millions of dollars. He’s the County Attorney for Utah County, Utah (they ran out of names, Utah County includes Provo) and is currently running for Utah Attorney General.

Leavitt is also the brother of Mike Leavitt, former Utah Governor and Secretaries of the EPA and Health and Social Services. And he’s a Delta ramper. He didn’t have time to do everything so he gave up singing in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to take the job.

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