Passenger Dries Her Laundry On Cross-Country Southwest Airlines Flight

On Wednesday morning, a Southwest Airlines passenger on a cross country flight departing from Oakland hadn’t finished her laundry and dried “her clothes by hanging them on the window shades.”

The airline responded to the customer who shared this on social media, saying “Orange you glad it wasn’t underwear?”

They would know! Just last year an OnlyFans model dried her underwear using the air nozzle on her Southwest flight after spilling liquor on herself. She says she was still drunk from the previous evening and continued with “a few strong mimosas” at the airport. It wasn’t even the first time that a passenger dried their underwear using airplane air vents.

I find that when we’re tightly packed in, surrounded by people, we tend to forget that other people are around. We ignore our neighbors and create an imaginary zone of privacy around our seats. And sometimes passengers take that to an extreme.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. While I appreciate a humorous response, with this type of statement Southwest is also pro.oting itself as a trashy airline.

  2. I sometimes swim at the hotel pool the morning of departure and have learned that wet clothes appear unusual in the security scanner. Be prepared to pull it out to show the security screener. A waterproof bag for things that are not completely dried is a suitcase must. They are the first thing that get unpacked and put on a drying rack when arriving home.

  3. Wet clothes dry fast on an airplane due to low humidity. Heat from thr sunlight does not dry clothes as well.

  4. New meaning for the cautionary ” airing your dirty laundry in public”. Shameless people.

  5. Some people will do whatever comes to mind. If the rest of us want to live in a different world, we’ll have to correct those people gently, reminding them that they signed a social compact at birth. That compact prohibits such offensive behavior,

    An immediate solution may require calling an FA to deal with the offending passenger(s). That doesn’t always work; for some FAs don’t want to take responsibility for more than serving snacks and beverages and dealing with a disaster when an emergency evacuation of the plane may be required.

  6. Seriously, first social media sensationalized everything, Gary writes bating headlines and now readers pile on?

    A single shirt accidentally wet likely during the security dance does not constitute the weekly “laundry”.

    I’ve been on many early 5 hour cross country flights out of OAK, loads are light and that sun is strong and the shade would be drawn any way. It looks like an exit row and the seat next to her empty. Plus she might be cute too. She’s not waving her underwear in your face.

    So what. What do you care, how does this effect you other then needing “likes” to validate your worth?

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