Passenger Gets Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant’s Number. It’s Easier Than You Think.

A Denver-based Southwest Airlines flight attendant shares that earlier in the month a passenger struck up a conversation with her, asked for her number, and she gave it to him. Since then they’ve been “sorta chatting” and now it’s like they’ve been struck by fate: she was about to work an aircraft and saw him at the gate getting off of that plane’s previous flight. Kismet.

Dating a flight attendant is really hard, and that’s once you’ve managed to create a connection.

  • Schedules are constantly changing, which means making plans is difficult.
  • Flight attendants most likely to be dating are junior enough never to get holidays off.
  • They’re away from home regularly, with colleagues, and this can promote jealousy in relationships.
  • Flight attendants also have among the highest divorce rates.

Yet there’s an attraction to dating flight attendants that dates back to the beginning of the profession. One man even called in a bomb threat trying to get a crewmember’s flight cancelled so she might consider a date with him.

Ultimately flight attendants are just like anyone else. They may be looking for love, or love might strike when they’re least looking. They are… at work. And asking out a flight attendant in front of 180 other passengers as well as their colleagues is awkward. Plus, there’s very little that’s sexy about most flights. A metal tube hurtling through the air at 500 miles per hour isn’t the ideal setting. Better if you happen to bump into them at the hotel bar!

Maybe don’t try to make your move while they’re serving drinks to the whole cabin, moving their galley cart down the aisle? And since you’re trying to create connection out of thin air, it’s almost like in-person online dating where the first rule is be attractive and the second rule is don’t be unattractive. Still, you might hit it off in conversation that goes on for awhile in the galley.

If you’ve made a connection – maybe you’re dressed just right, stood out by helping another passenger or offering food or layover advice – try to wait for the end of the flight and hand over a business card with a note, or write a short note with your number. Don’t do it midflight because that just makes everything awkward until you deplane. If it’s meant to be, hopefully they’ll send you a ‘nice to meet you’ text.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Years ago I gave a friend a book that rated the dating prospects of flight attendants at various airlines. For United it said “Dating a United flight attendant is like dating your wife”.

    My friend’s wife was a UA flight attendant.

  2. I have definitely holler’d at flight attendants over my years. They were GREAT fun but all crazy!

  3. While I’ve had some great interactions with flight attendants one in particular stood out many years ago. A buddy of mine wanted me to fly down for a weekend and do some fishing in Florida. He found a really cheap ticket ($99) for me so I hopped on a plane and ended up sitting in the bulkhead. The flight attendant and I were cutting up she even sat down with me and we chatted a while. I was happily married so that was it. A week after I returned home that flight went down in the Everglades killing all onboard. I looked up the people on the plane but couldn’t remember her name. To this day I wonder if she was working that flight. I still have that Valujet ticket somewhere.

  4. Yeah right, dating a 55 year old man-hating embittered air waitress should be on every guy’s bucket list.
    Come on ! Unsubscribed. Yawnnnn

  5. I have been happily married to a FA for over 20 years. Second one for both of us. She retired in. 2018 after 34 years. I have just over a year to go. I have been a road warrior for over 30 years. It worked for us.

  6. When I was a young man and had no clue, I asked an incredibly attractive KE FA for her number, mid flight during a Seoul-Dulles flight. She just shook her head and walked away, but gave me a huge shot of cognac later. After drinking that, the awkwardness from my idiocy greatly diminished lol.

  7. None of this is hard. Easy to hook up with one on a longhaul flight that has a 2 day layover. Think Cathay or Emirates. Here are the easy tips.
    1. Be attractive
    2. Be good looking
    3. Don’t be unattractive.

  8. Sounds like a common happy happenstance in search of a story.

    Seeing the same people over again while traveling in the same airline and airports over time is gonna happen. Ever see Tom Hanks in “The Terminal”? Where’s your statistical training Gary? The variable is someone like this hot & young FA is going to standout of the crowd like a unicorn and get hit on more often.

    Actually dating an FA would be ideal for most men, meet, hookup, a few well coordinated flings, move on with a built in breakup excuse. Ever see “Up in the Air”?

    I once had a FA in FC chat me up twice saying she remembered me from a previous flight. Got all interested in my work and offered me lots of drinks. Even though roughly my age, I wouldn’t fling date with anyone less than 20 years younger even drunk…

  9. I am 6’5” and ripped. Private equity partner in NYC. Have hooked up with over 200 flight attendants at my Tribeca penthouse. But have stopped doing this ever since meeting a woman who will become my wife next year.

  10. If I was Mr. HVC with those credentials, I’d brag too.

    Be curious, not judgmental or jealous of other’s success – ted lasso

  11. Should you think about dating a stewardess it is imperative that you read the book The Predatory Female. It is authored by Rev Laurence Shannon former AA captain. I know his real name but I won’t disclose it. Anyone out their “fishing” for a bride would benefit. I used to carry copies and give to my FO’s if they were single. Married, too late.
    Not interested in reading his humous book look up the Hot and Crazy Matrix.

  12. lol. taking dating advice from an aviation blogger wannabe who’s married with small kids and recently (2 years ago) posted about his kids stroller.

    Here’s how you actually do it. Like a gentleman, “hey I enjoyed our chat. heres my number if you wish to talk more. I hope to hear from you soon”.

    end of story.

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