Since Very Few People Read this Blog on Saturday Evening…

Since tonight it’s just the two of us, I thought I’d give away money.

I’ve got a $100 gift card, and will select a winner at random tomorrow out of those who comment by Noon Eastern on Sunday.

In case you’re looking for something amusing to occupy yourself between Saturday evening and Sunday morning, there is no limit to the number of times you may enter. You can comment as many times you wish, each comment is an entry.

Just chat away, share whatever thoughts you wish. All decisions and rulings made by me are final and unappeallable. By entering you waive any right to sue for or otherwise claim damages. Please don’t give me a hard time when I am trying to give away money or its equivalent. Thank you!

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. trying to book award travel with my Alaska miles and almost ready to tear my hair out. They REALLY do not want me to travel to Copenhagen next spring. I am not sure it is worth it, I may pay with actual cash.(what a concept)

  2. My all-time favorite flight was Frankfurt to Chicago. A few hours in the first class terminal, featuring a delay after pouring the (first) champagne, with just my wife and I on the upper deck of the 747.

  3. In for the $. Wallet was stolen last week and the new one is feeling particularly light in the billfold section!

  4. Gary I think you underestimating how popular you are! There are close to 1000 of us reading you tonight!

  5. Who are you trying to out blog tonight? Such a loaded question had to have meant there was some sort of bet on the line about who has the most readers on a Saturday night.

  6. I read all the blogs like it’s “just the two of us”. I hope that’s not weird…

  7. Here is to hoping. But so far looks like there are more who read your blog at this hour than you think 🙂

  8. In October we are going to NC for a wedding. I have “purchased” US Airways tickets using my Chase UR points. I, also, have US Airways Visa and AAdvantage Executive MC.

    I was wondering if there is a way to avoid baggage fee for two bags (2 girls = 2 bags) in this situation or will I have to pay for it. I think I seen something on this blog site or other travel blog but can’t find it now.

  9. Sitting at my computer… on a Saturday evening…reading travel blogs… in my underwear. Thats right ladies, I’m available.

  10. Or it was a slow day and you just wanted to see how many other folks were experiencing a similarly slow day.

  11. Is there a prize from boarding area waiting for you if you surpass a certain number of posts. Has to be or you wouldn’t have allowed multiple comments.

  12. Or is it an attempt to gauge the staying power of your readers? What is the most number of posts you thought you’d get from a single individual?

  13. I have no expectation to win anything from these contests, but time to say thanks to you for the useful blog!

  14. But only if it is usable online, mind you (not sure what kind of a card it is).

  15. I flew Delta first glass Reno to Atlanta recently, first time in 20 years I flew first class. It was the worst food I’ve ever had, even including all the airplane meals I ever had on coach. Then I flew recently first class Alaska from Hawaii to Seattle. The food was better than Delta, but even a first class overnight, no pillows or blankets. Don’t do that anymore, they said.

    I really don’t understand this holy grail of first class people dream about. It sucks. I usually just fly coach and upgrade to the more leg room seats. That’s a nice flight.

  16. You are hilarious and entertaining and always have the best and most reliable info! Would love that Benjamin!

  17. I’m talking about us who are in Asia as winners.

    Say, for instance: me.

    Me, me, me, me, me.

    Myself and I. :-p

  18. I’m done. Bet I didn’t post the most. Also bet I don’t count who had the most posts. The more you post, the more increase you odds of winning. Correct?

  19. I really want to go to Istanbul and connect it to a Greek Islands cruise ending in Athens.

  20. I’m surprised someone hasn’t written a script yet to just spam the comments.

    Good night everybody!

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