This will take some time to roll out, for instance my flights on American last night still aired the older videos that American has been playing for years (which featured different crew members speaking different parts but that was generally corporate and straight-forward). I expect my American flights today will still have the older video as well, and of course MD80s don’t have inflight video at all.
However the new video is more modern, it has a little bit too long of a lead-in in my opinion, but is more ‘fun’ without being too cheesy either.
Here’s the new video:
Other than ‘Deltalina’ Katherine Lee’s role in Delta’s former safety video — with the famous finger wag — I’m generally not super-impressed by the more creative safety videos. Perhaps they grab passenger attention, and anything that might do that could enhance safety.

Whether United’s ‘Safety is Global’, Air France’s postmodern something or other, or Air New Zealand’s safety in bikinis video I’ve often felt airlines were trying too hard.
The best, of course, are the spontaneous flight attendant-driven announcements (not videos) and none tops the Night Before Christmas.
Wait, you think the United video tries too hard, but you think this one is okay, with all its random mirrors, moving walls, creepy painted hands, and people aimlessly walking around?
This whole “safety video as entertainment” thing seems to be spiraling out of control. The only good thing about it is that MAYBE more people pay attention to the briefing (of course, we could then wonder if watching the safety video is going to actually save anyone’s life).
I do wonder if this is like the early days of MTV. Music videos seemed great, but then everyone got bored. And then what will the airlines do?
I want to be on an AA flight with that much seat pitch!
The Air France safety video is beautiful. Beautiful girls, effective, and oh so french. Beats the crap out of this one.
It helps when they make the video interesting to watch, Air New Zealand hit the mark with the one based on Lord Of the Rings.
Another safety video using gratuitous creative high-jinks to grab our attention. The lead F/A’s voice can crack glass it’s so screechy. And come on, wearing a life jacket with 4-inch stiletto heels on? Don’t think that life raft she’ll be jumping into will stay afloat too long. Love the comment about seat pitch; yeah, just like you find on AA’s new A319s. Sorry, AA. This does nothing for me. How about concentrating on standardizing USAirways aircraft with AA’s I could go on but won’.
If you want to see a great new safety video, check Delta’s “Global” offering. It gets to the point, and reinforces DL’s position as a leading worldwide airline.
Definitely disagree. Reminds me of a non-musical version of the Virgin America video. While I’m not a huge fan of either of them, this one is better because the singing gets old and annoying very quickly. Also, I like that this video isn’t full of stupid puns or other flashy nonsense that detracts too much from the safety aspect. Though I dislike that they’re not using a real plane and the whole stage is abstract – that doesn’t give new or unfamiliar passengers an idea of where masks will actually come from or where they are in the plane in relation to the exits. Their frame of reference is gone because the “plane” in the video, and all the other safety apparatuses, are props in an interpretive dance-like play. Overall, a B-.
I think the airlines REALLY need to stop trying to “out-cute” each other. This is something that US carriers seem hell-bent on doing. Same with Air New Zealand. All the great airlines from Asia, the Middle East, and Europe have simple, straightforward videos; none of this singing, dancing, tongue-in-cheek pop-culture reference bullshit. And using employees is fun and all, but the acting is always stilted and they look uncomfortable. United and Delta do this, as well, and its cringe-y.
I like to see quick, simple, cartoons with the basic information in an easy-to-digest format that provides essential safety instructions quickly and with enough flash to keep me interested without making me hate it the second or third time I’ve seen it. Virgin America had a great, illustrated safety video that I think should be the basis for all airlines:
I think this is the first safety video I’ve seen that mentioned (though far too quickly), that in the event of an evacuation, “leave your carry-ons behind”. It’s good to hear it, but it needs far more emphasis.
Worst airline video EVER
The video is extremely sexist. A beat that mimics a women walking in heels, using women parading around like runway models as the beat keeps their heels in step, and the only male is a bumbling idiot trying to smoke and disable the smoke detector.
So sad, in an effort to portray women as bold and confident, we resort to sexist innuendoes.