About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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It’s Amazing — and Depressing — What We’ll Accept from US Domestic Airline Lounges

Jun 21 2015

I flew United to Houston for the EVA Air inaugural festivities on Friday. Just like when I flew them earlier in the year, they were fine though my return flight delayed just shy of two hours — first a late inbound aircraft, and then a decision to operate the flight with a different plane that was even later. That happens, goodness knows I’ve had my share of creeping delays on American MD80s.

I visited the United Club on the E concourse in Houston twice — once on arrival, since I turned up at the event early enough to handle possible delays and figured i could get some work done, and then again on departure when my flight delayed.

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Which is More Important: Transportation or Experience?

Jun 20 2015

A reader asked me the other day whether I would fly to my home city from Asia on Korean in first, or to San Francisco on Cathay Pacific and connect?

Cathay unquestionably has the better seat. I find the service better. The entertainment system is better. The midflight snacks are better. So is the lounge. But I’d still choose Korean.

Here’s what that says about preference for time versus comfort, and the allure of hotel versus the experience of the road.

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American AAdvantage Ending Redemptions to Hawaii on Hawaiian Airlines

Jun 20 2015

American Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines are partners — but starting September 1 you will only be able to redeem American miles for travel on Hawaiian for intra-island flights and flights beyond Hawaii to their Asia Pacific destinations. You will no longer be able to redeem for Hawaiian flights between Hawaii and the US mainland.

There’s more than two months’ notice to this change, and there are plenty of other options to Hawaiian on both American and Alaska Airlines. Hawaii awards aren’t getting more expensive, just a little harder. And there are many ways still to get those Hawaiian flights to and from Hawaiian. So this isn’t devastating. But it is disappointing.

Here are the ways you can still use American miles for travel on Hawaiian, the ways you can use American miles to get to Hawaii, and the other ways you can fly between the mainland and Hawaii on Hawaiian.

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Alaska Airlines May Be Cracking Down on People Applying for Several Cards in a Day…

Jun 19 2015

I love my Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan miles. They’re about the only currency I’m tempted to buy when bonus offers are around.

Thomas W. …suggests that Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan is getting a lot more aggressive in its fraud department, shutting down frequent flyer accounts for suspected violations of rules. Including applying for multiple credit cards at a time.

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Why Airports are at the Forefront of Minimum Wage Increases (and Why Philadelphia’s Just Went Up 65%)

Jun 19 2015

Philadelphia airport will have a $12 an hour minimum wage, and it won’t just apply to airlines but also the companies they contract with at the airport. Here’s why airports are at the vanguard of fights over minimum wages, and why unions have seen success pushing for them in places like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Minneapolis.

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