About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Another Big US Airline Subsidy? $30 Billion in Net Operating Loss Carry Forwards Mean Airlines Pay Little Tax

Jun 08 2015

US airlines have about $30 billion in net operating loss carry forwards worth over $10 billion in tax savings. At a time of record profits, the US tax code won’t require them to pay much if any federal taxes. Is that a subsidy, or just plain fair? And should they be screaming about the subsidies they argue airlines in other countries receive?

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Could Unbundling Come to Business Class? Cheaper Tickets With No Miles or Lounge Access

Jun 08 2015

“Unbundling” which most passengers equate to checked bag fees but can include fees even for printing boarding passes could be coming to business class. Not only does British Airways want to exclude elite benefits from their cheapest economy fares, but Malaysia Airlines is looking at offering business class fares that exclude lounge access and don’t earn miles. Think elite members would be exempt? Think again.

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An Upgrade Meant for Someone Else.. Gets Me the Biggest Room I’ve Ever Seen at the Westin Stonebriar

Jun 07 2015

I needed to be in Dallas over the weekend, and more specifically I happened to need to be in Plano and I flipped a coin between the Hyatt House Plan and the Westin Stonebriar — which is to say I actually picked the Westin because it was cheaper.

Throughout the stay they seemed to think I was someone else. And that, apparently, got me an upgrade to the largest room I’ve ever seen.

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The EPA is About to Regulate the Airlines. And It’s Much Ado About Nothing.

Jun 07 2015

The EPA is likely to find – over the next few days – that aircraft contribute to global warming and thus they’re required to regulate aircraft emissions under the Clean Air Act. But the regulations they promulgate are likely to already be met by nearly all commercial aircraft. It wouldn’t actually much matter for global warming either way, since growth in air travel is occurring largely in places like China and not the United States.

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Review: Virgin Australia Brisbane Lounge and Business Class, Brisbane – Cairns

Jun 06 2015

After arriving in Brisbane from Los Angeles, transferring to a domestic flight means proceeding through immigration, picking up baggage and walking it through customs, and then rechecking bags. It also means taking a bus to transfer to the domestic terminal and re-clearing security.

I had the chance to visit Virgin Australia’s domestic lounge in Brisbane, and take a short 862 mile flight from Brisbane to Cairns in business class. All in all, for what it is, I was impressed.

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