About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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Review: Male Airport Lounge and (Alone In) Emirates First Class, Male – Colombo

May 16 2015

There’s a shared contract lounge at the Male airport, and it no longer offers access via Priority Pass. There’s little special about it, except for comfortable seating. I find the buffet something I’d rarely do anything other than skip (and indeed haven’t touched the food in four visits) and there’s no alcohol (by law). But it’s a lounge…

Some will find the nearby food options a more attractive place to sit, but the lounge does seem to have gotten its wifi act together.

After waiting around for the flight we wound up the only passengers in first class, and beneficiaries of full, extensive service for this very short hop on Emirates…

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Delta Introduces 5000 Mile One-Way Awards. And That Should Scare You.

May 16 2015

Delta is pricing one-way Los Angeles – San Francisco awards (that would cost $72 to buy) at just 5000 miles. That’s all part and parcel of reducing the mileage cost of cheap flights, and ultimately increasing the mileage cost of expensive flights.

Put another way, the ‘standard’ 25,000 mile domestic award’s days are numbered at Delta. And along with it, the possibility of generating outsized value from Delta miles. Which also means it makes no sense to choose to earn Delta miles over another currency.

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Questions That Are Rarely Asked in Airline Competition

May 16 2015

Just to show you how complicated the world is, Delta is lobbying against expansion by Gulf carrier Etihad but has received clearance from the EU for its joint venture and profit sharing with Etihad-owned Alitalia.

Alitalia flying across the Atlantic is apparently deemed good, while Etihad flying across the Atlantic is an existential threat. Right….

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Delta Publicly Declares the End of the 25,000 Mile Award Standard

May 16 2015

“We’ve worked really hard in trying to keep our commitment to opening up more seats on the lowest level,” said Karen Zachary, Delta’s SkyMiles managing director of global programs. “We used to be really bad.”

…“The 25,000 mile round-trip award fare that historically has been a standard for the airlines, I think you’re going to see that completely change,” Zachary said.

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US Airlines Are More Subsidized than the Gulf Carriers, and British Airways Weighs in Against American

May 15 2015

The fireworks fly as British Airways submits a filing to the government attacking partner American’s claim that the Gulf carriers unfairly compete, and Etihad produces a report detailing subsidies that US airlines receive which are greater than those the US carriers claim are received by Etihad, Emirates, and Qatar. Things are getting *interesting*.

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A Guest Trip Report: An Actual Doll Reviews American’s Los Angeles – New York First Class Experience

May 15 2015

I’ve only had a couple of contributors to the blog over the years, otherwise everything has been written by me. I featured a work colleague (P.C.)’s trip report in Saudia business class to Pakistan, because there were limited reports on the Saudia product and it’s something that seemed useful to Delta members. I added was grateful for an outside legal perspective on the issues raised in the Supreme Court’s frequent flyer miles case as well. Now I’m fortunate to share a trip report that simply was different than most others that have been offered on blogs before… one that’s all in good fun. Constance Peters shared Pippi Peters’ report of her recent Los Angeles – New York JFK flight in American’s first class. What’s different is that Pippi is Constance’s traveling companion, who only sometimes…

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