A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips.
‘You Are The Most Beautiful Woman’—Pilot Leaves Note And Walks Away, She Didn’t Even See His Face
The internet thinks this is creepy but I think it’s sweet. You tell me what you think: a woman received a note from a pilot before her flight. She says “I’m sitting at the airport and a pilot just placed this on my table & walked away.”
‘I Want Off!’ Southwest Passenger Strips Naked, Bangs Cockpit Door, Rubs Against Crew Before Flight Turns Back
The woman removed all her clothing and proceeded to walk up and down the aisle. She even tried to gain access to the cockpit, banging on its door, and rubbed up against a female flight attendant.
United Airlines Is Walking Back A Cherished Million Miler Benefit – Turns Out ‘Lifetime’ Has Limits
One of the unique benefits of lifetime status at United Airlines is that the designated companion of the million miler inherits their status. This benefit is changing.
Capital One Venture X Review
The card is worth getting, spurred on by the initial bonus offer. It’s worth using for my ongoing spend. And it’s worth having for the benefits.
Capital One Venture Review
You earn 2 miles per dollar on purchases. That’s the rate I like for all of my spending that doesn’t earn a bigger bonus with other cards, which means the bulk of my spending. I use Capital One for spending because they reward me more. The Venture card has the same primary earn rate and redemption options as the premium Venture X card.
American Airlines Moves Up To 30% Of Its IT To India – Smart Strategy Or Short-Sighted Cost Cut?
I’ve confirmed that American Airlines is moving 20% – 30% of its IT operation to Hyderabad, India. There’s been some exaggeration online, claiming that ‘all’ of IT is moving. And I haven’t been able to substantiate that it reaches fully one-third or 40%, but it is clearly significant.
Viral Twerking Video Got Her Fired—Now She’s Threatening To Sue Alaska Airlines
Choosing to undertake prohibited behavior doesn’t get a free pass simply because the intended audience consists of members of a protected class. And the flight attendant has said that wasn’t true anyway, she was doing the twerk for herself, to ‘celebrate the end of her probationary period’ and because she was bored during a delay.
Passenger Drenched In Vomit—Should The Airline Or The Sick Passenger Pay? [Roundup]
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips.
JetBlue Loved Its American Airlines Partnership—Now Its CEO Is Pushing To Build Something Like It Again
JetBlue has made no secret of its plans to find suitable partners, and during its third quarter earnings call St. George said “it certainly could be with American” again.
Then during January’s earning’s call, they confirmed they were in talks for a partnership in line with the anti-trust ruling. Now their CEO is speaking out about the benefits.