Delta Air Lines Hires Crypto Scammer Tom Brady As Advisor, Watch Your SkyMiles

Tom Brady promoted Sam Bankman-Fried’s defunct crypto exchange FTX, which stole customer money, as being “the most trusted.” Now Delta Air Lines has entered into a multi-year endorsement deal with the disgraced athlete.

When the seven time Superbowl winner was married to supermodel Gisele Bündchen, the pair received $48 million to pitch one of the greatest financial frauds in history. Now Delta, ever one to shop for a bargain, has signed on the more tarnished of the two.

Delta says that “[t]he partnership will integrate Brady’s spirit of winning and passion for inspiring people to be the best version of themselves with Delta’s goal of connecting people to their greatest potential.” According to the airline’s CEO Ed Bastian,

Bringing a leader like Tom onto the Delta team furthers our mission to connect the world while accelerating our drive to continuously improve for our colleagues, customers and communities.

Hopefully the payments from Delta to Brady will help fund any eventual judgment or settlement in FTX customer suits against the athlete and crypto exchange investor.

But if Delta was looking for wisdom and guidance, maybe they should’ve found a way to work with Larry David?

Or perhaps a better partner would have been Taylor Swift, who reportedly engaged in greater due diligence on FTX and questioned why the Howey test didn’t imply that assets traded on FTX were unregistered securities in violation of U.S. law?

Besides, Tom Brady’s mother was a flight attendant for TWA so the partnership really does seem off-brand. However with Delta expected to announce changes to SkyMiles next week perhaps devaluation of the Atlanta-based carrier’s unregistered securities falls squarely in line with this deal.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. “Disgraced athlete”? Would a miles-and-points blogger who lets slip an occasional typo be fairly described as a “dyslexic, incoherent writer”? I wouldn’t think so.


  3. @Tom
    Can an author that never spell checks be compared to a famed athlete who helps a pyramid scheme steal money?

  4. LOL – Brady is not “tarnished”. He is a legend and was a paid endorser of FTX. He lost a lot when they failed.

    Grow up Gary – guess you aren’t a pro football fan which frankly isn’t a shock. SMH

  5. What a F ng loser you are, Gary.
    Of all the accomplishments that Tom Brady has, you focus on his investment in a failed crypto plan, as if he actually ran it.
    The real loser is someone who continues to believe that DL greased the wheels of justice to get the Northeast Alliance thrown out because you can’t accept that American Airlines, of its own choices, destroyed its own future in the NE and then engaged in what it knew was illegal activity only to lose valuable time building a legal and viable NYC presence on its own.

    I pity you, Gary. I really do.

  6. Larry David did a commerical and he said not to get involved with crypto. Old school. So those who took his advice were fine. Brady and others were really paid endorsers. Different than a Superbowl commercial. And for Ken, Taylor is clean. She didnt take a dime from SBF.

  7. Brady doesn’t know shit from chocolate cake about airline industry

    He’s just a high paid spokesperson

  8. Guys, Gary is not a total loser or jerk or anything comparable. That said, he did make a HUGE mistake in calling GOAT Tom Brady a “disgraced athlete”. Last I checked, we’re all human and make mistakes, and given all that Gary has done for us in writing this free column my thought is that we should give him a pass on this.

  9. I don’t take financial advice from an athlete, a celebrity, or a blogger. Our society is celebrity obsessed for some reason.

    Brady apparently was a paid spokesperson. I’m not sure what, if any, due diligence is required of someone in that role. Certainly should have been done by people who invested with the firm.

    In fairness, a lot of financial professionals were duped by SBF. So it’s not surprising that others were too.

    Tarnished? Gary, perhaps in your mind, but I don’t think that view is shared my many. He remains a pro football legend and has a similar status at his alma mater.

  10. Tom Brady had a brand that he lent to FTX to convince his fans to invest there. He owned a stake in the crypto exchange.

    He was a great football player. He’s chosen what to do with the reputation he built, and brought fans down with him.

  11. No, TexasTJ
    we shouldn’t just sweep Gary’s comments under the rug. There is plenty of free content on the internet.
    For someone that calls themselves a thought leader, there should be some expectation that they can – wait, wait – demonstrate some critical thinking skills
    I wouldn’t have guessed in my wildest dreams that Delta or any other airline would pick up one of the world’s most notable and accomplished athletes as a consultant – but maybe for an ad spokesman.
    But let’s be real, here. This article was totally predictable.
    Gary drones on endlessly about his intelligence regarding loyalty programs – and he posted yet another one about Delta Skymiles – all followed up by a chorus of people that pile on trashing Skymiles – Gary immediately looks for any ammo he can find to throw at Delta when someone (me) walks into the room and reminds the “thought leader” and his readers that loyalty programs don’t exist to maximize the benefit of consumers but rather to create loyalty to a company and for their financial benefit. The best run loyalty plans create enough value for consumers that they flock to it. You would think that a “thought leader” would grasp that fact and admit that Delta has created the world’s most valuable loyalty program- but Gary seems unable to admit that, if he understands the principle.
    EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. the adult (me) walks into the room and smacks Gary up the side of the head reminding him of basic business principles – which he seems unable or unwilling to admit – he turns around and writes an article trashing Delta in whatever way he can – because he childishly believe that he has to find fault with Delta and might possibly wound me since he thinks (like a whole lot of other people) that I have some deep emotional attachment to Delta.
    I don’t. Go back and read any number of dozens of articles from Gary in which he got schooled by me and then find the “trashing Delta” article that follows.
    I research and invest in airlines (among other companies) and understand well why Delta is the most valuable and most profitable airline in the world. I do business w/ Delta like I do with any other company – on a purely “what’s in for me even as I understand why you do what you do” basis.
    Gary can choose to shut off the comments or he can expect the incoming fire for writing stuff that is as far from thought leadership as anything possibly could be.
    I am no Tom Brady fan but I at least recognize what he has accomplished and would never trash someone or any organization he is affiliated w/ based on a pretty minor footnote in his life.

  12. Sorry @Tim Dunn you did not ‘remind me’ of anything vis-a-vis changes coming to Delta’s loyalty program, you literally repeated things I wrote about in the article. :rolleyes:

    I regularly sing Delta’s praises as an airline, while recognizing that it has not recovered to the strengths it exhibited prior to the pandemic. And Delta’s own leadership talks candidly about its loyalty strategy, which is that it does not need to offer as much value in its frequency program as competitors in order to be profitable. I’m literally writing what Delta executives say here, pointing it out to consumers.

    Brady was an incredible football player. But he used his fame poorly, lending it to Sam Bankman-Fried and becoming a co-owner of a fraudulent crypto exchange that stole customer money. As I note, Delta is likely able to buy his endorsement at a discount because of damage done to his reputation. Delta is a smart operator!

  13. Gary,
    not only does the internet provide a true record of what was actually said, not what you THINK you said, but Tom Brady, whether you can admit it or not, does more to maximize the performance of his body in the first 30 seconds of every day than you have done in the past 30 years of your life.

    I don’t have to like him but I do respect him. To somehow think that his life’s reputation is at risk because of his involvement with a business that he didn’t run is simply beyond belief.

    I don’t get what he could possibly offer Delta but I do recognize – rightly – that Delta is the most profitable airline in the world and worth more to its owners – its stockholders – than any other airline. They, quite simply, didn’t get there by doing what everyone else thought they were supposed to do.

  14. Maybe Delta could make Brady the face of some area he could reasonably manage. Given his utter lack of airline experience he’d be perfect to be The Clean Airplane Czar. Got a dirty airplane on Delta? Just reach out to The Clean Airplane Czar. That would combine a job within the scope of Brady’s airline abilities and bring a spotlight on how Delta takes clean planes seriously.

  15. Tom Brady was literally an OWNER of one of the greatest financial frauds in history.

    Delta of course is no stranger to securities violations, their own Vice President of Fuel was fined over $3 million in 2016 for frontrunning the airline’s trades.

  16. As usual, Gary doubles down on his attacks instead of admitting that the person he is attacking has accomplished far more than Gary will ever accomplish.
    and then he turns on Delta. He fails – as is TYPICAL GARY – to note that the person involved in the Delta fuel scandal was fired and the case was against the employee, not Delta.

    You’re pathetic, Gary.

    Prove how much “bigger” you are than Tom Brady by pushing back from the table.

  17. Gene,
    because Gary knows deep down he deserves it.
    When you treat people with disrespect, that is what you get in return.
    Gary doesn’t have to like Tom Brady or like Delta’s decision to hire him but this story has been covered on multiple outlets today and not a single one of them lashed out with a headline and the hatred that Gary displayed.
    Deep down I think he is jealous of Tom Brady.

  18. Wow Tim Dunn, you’re getting it handed to you and I am enjoying it. Come back for another beatdown courtesy of Gary. I dare you. Tom Brady knows how to throw a football. Yeah, that’s the same as running a major airline. If one person invested in FTX because of Brady then yes, he bears some responsibility for what happened. Oh, and Skymiles is garbage. You’re welcome.

  19. @ Tim Dunn — What do Tom Brady’s accomplishments have to do with Gary? I don’t believe Gary was comparing himself to Tom Brady. Gary is very accomplished at what he does, so why be so belittling? FWIW, I agree that Tom Brady is crooked. After all, he worked with Bill Belicheck to cheat and steal a Superbowl victory (once that we know of; possibly more).

  20. @Tim Dunn – “As usual, Gary doubles down on his attacks instead of admitting that the person he is attacking has accomplished far more than Gary will ever accomplish.”

    Tom Brady has won several Superbowls. He’s been Superbowl MVP. In terms of what society broadly values, he has me beat several times over. What he accomplished in his career as a football player is very impressive, and I never raised criticisms of it (though there certainly are some).

    What I criticized is his participation – both lending his reputation, and as an owner – in one of the biggest financial frauds in history.

    Naturally you find yourself defending him because he’s been hired by Delta, and you defend anything that Delta does.

    “You’re pathetic, Gary.”

    A commenter earlier asked why I allow you to continue spewing nonsense, and the reason is simple. The more you comment, the more you reveal your true self.

  21. @ Gary — Well, I guess the same could be said of yours truly, but I have changed for the better (IMO) over time! There is always hope from Tim.

  22. A couple of telling items from this stunt.

    1) A lot of eye-rolling at DL HDQ today due to this – Ed Bastian is losing his grip on the troops because of dumb moves like this

    2) Few fans in NYC actually like Brady. Not sure how it helps DL in that market

    3) Count how many times Brady says “Delta” on Squawk Box today. Then count how many times he says “Ed”.

    4) Hilarious that Kirby trolled the whole thing with the United logo positioned between Bastian and Brady on TV today.

    Good call out Gary.

  23. “The more you comment, the more you reveal your true self.”

    Which could also be said about you.

  24. Gary,
    YOU YOURSELF said exactly what I accused you of in this statement
    “Naturally you find yourself defending him because he’s been hired by Delta, and you defend anything that Delta does.”
    No, Gary, I have no emotional attachment to Delta. I support them because they do what they do better than anyone else.
    I said that you whipped out this caustic article because I challenged you once again that you can’t understand or explain loyalty programs from ALL sides but instead drivel on the negative because that is what generates page clicks.
    You confirmed with your statement above that you whip out articles like this because you think it will inflict damage on me – and you are the one that is left looking stupid.
    Delta is still going to do what they do with their loyalty program, you will still lead people down the path of bit,,.. ng about it and your readers are no smarter than when they opened the article, hardly something that a “thought leader” should provide itself in doing.

    I specifically said I don’t like Tom Brady and I don’t even know what they think they will get out of him as a consultant.
    I defend him because YOU chose to start your article from the headline with a personal attack on his business dealings instead of what made him famous and what demonstrates why he achieved what he has – because he has incredible discipline and focus which is unrivaled.

    Feel free to explain why you – of all the news/blogs that covered this story chose to lead off from the start focused on the negative about Tom Brady rather than the deal itself or what he has accomplished.

    and you fundamentally don’t understand the basis for moral or legal superiority or culpability. Unless you can prove that Tom Brady knew what was going on behind the scenes at FTX, he is not responsible for what someone else did. THAT is the way the company was set up.
    Someone is doing prison time for what happened at FTX but it ain’t Tom Brady.

    The point still remains that you resort to the lowest and vilest stories and twists on everything else in order to generate page clicks and you reveal what YOU are made of.

    You have a couple of choices
    1. Admit you were wrong in jumping on such inflammatory and flat out inaccurate portrayal of someone. Change the title of the article and learn not to do it again.

    2. Pull the article and the comments and leave it to Ben over at OMAAT who also covered it but managed to do so without attacking anyone and by accurately noting what is known about all the players – and leaving the inuendo out of it. Last time I checked, he has more page clicks, he is hardly a Delta apologist, and people over there are handedly criticizing the partnership – but not the people.

    I would hope that you go to bed committed to doing better tomorrow and not repeat stuff like this – not because I defend anyone or any organization but because what you have written here reflects the lowest and most toxic approach you could take.

    And this would be a good time to remind your readers who want to know why you keep me around that I vociferously defended your position just in the last week or so on the pilot situation – even as others bitterly attacked you.

    You are at your best when you discuss policy issues and aviation news. You are at your lowest when you talk about people and the bizarre behavior that invariably pops up among them.

  25. As an athlete, Brady is a legend, but as an investor, not so much. Brady certainly has a set of loyal haters, though. All of crypto, as it is currently set up, looks like a long running Ponzi scheme. Airlines that lie to you and don’t give you your money back from from services not rendered, also look a bit like crypto.

  26. Fascinating series of exchanges. I guess “decorum” does not mean/matter much in America!
    > Brady was a great quarterback (Montana was better); not so great an investment advisor;
    > DL is very profitable and very successful – their SkyMiles programme generates a lot of revenue,
    and is great for DL; not so great for me;
    > personal attacks are the mark of wannabee bullies.

  27. I happen to like what Gary writes which is why I visit this site multiple times per day. I find it extremely informative and entertaining. I enjoy flying international business class with my family of five, especially when I can do it for free or with a reasonable copay. I am also impressed that Gary writes everything and responds to comments outside of his main employment. I like his editorial content. I do not think anyone comes here for stock advice. Oh, and one of the best financial pieces of advice I ever received was the best ways to lose money is by investing in airline stocks. Cheers and good day everyone!

  28. Perhaps Delta can have Tom Brady let the air out of (competitor) tires. Or perhaps show how to cheat the competitors programs. These are the airline-related skills that BradyGate demonstrated.

  29. To Tim Dunn

    I have posted on VFTW maybe twice in 15 years.

    But here goes.

    1. Was trying to get from Cleveland to St. Maarten end of Aug. Was happy to go down to the wire and book very last minute.
    American 27.5k
    United 44k
    Delta 136,000

    It’s not anecdotal , rather it’s just a snapshot of similar recent disparities including
    Cleveland- Vienna in Business
    American 57.5k
    United 77k
    Delta 190k

    And so on. Yes, I like Delta Airlines onboard product. Skymiles is diametrically opposed.

    2. There is no Boarding Area blogger that I am in lockstep agreement. And that’s ok. Some of them have publicly expressed biases, others have more nuanced biases. It’s fine that you want to call out Gary.
    Your call out was duly noted as was Gary’s response. at that point,both of you were ‘on record’ so the peanut gallery will come to their own conclusions despite or even in spite of both of your doubling even tripling down.

    You had me thoughtfully considering your critique your first go round. Have enough confidence in your original supposition to not have to resort to piling on. I think your credibility was fine making your point and then it eroded as it felt more strident and relentless with succeeding posts.

    It’s a pretty savvy group on VFTW, if there were a bunch of single posts from a broad cross section of the readership, your that would likely validate your position without you having to type anything beyond one post. Instead I think you strayed into ditch protest too much’ territory and it lost my attention and relevance.

    Anyhow, I’m not the posting etiquette police, rather just offering a perspective from the sidelines.

    3. Full disclosure. I enjoyed a 12 year run with Gary at BookYourAward. He demonstrated an unbroken record of respect, honesty and integrity throughout. There was nothing stubborn or polemic or dogmatic in his conduct. Any disagreement (thankfully infitesimal), Gary handled them with me in strictly gentlemanly constructive fashion.

  30. @thing 1 LOL

    This is a weak move by Delta. Forget about FTX, he’s been the spokesperson for Hertz for how many years?

    How many renters got arrested after following his endorsement of Hertz.

    And how weak does it make Delta to be associated with Hertz’s brand hero.

    UNITED rising.

    More vapor ware from Delta. Clearly they lack a cohesive brand strategy to compete nk surprise since they rely on uncompetitive captive hub markets.

  31. actually Greg,
    United was grounded this week.
    Couldn’t manage to do a software update w/o grounding the airline.
    Absolutely precious.

    and perhaps you can explain how United has managed to fall to the #2 airline in NYC because of Delta’s ability to, wait, wait, compete in highly competitive large coastal markets – precisely where United’s route system supposedly has been its advantage.

    And let’s not even get started that UA is the #3 airline at LAX. United is not the #1 airline in 2 of the 3 largest markets in the US but Delta is.

    The vaporware is United’s, not Delta’s.

    You and United would have been ahead to have stayed out of the conversation.

    there is nothing wrong with saying that what is good for a company is not necessarily good for “me” as a consumer. The point of a blog that thrives on thought leadership should be to help people understand why companies do what they do and maximize the benefit.
    When the focus is simply trashing anyone – and esp. a personality – public or not – the question has to be legitimately asked as to what value is being added. There is no shortage of people taking potshots on the internet – for free – but adding nothing of value.

  32. Score:

    Gary Leff: 1 — Tim Dunn: 0

    Brady was a GOAT on the football field, but showed bad judgment in being the biggest pitchman for one the worst financial debacles in history. DL is not hiring Brady for advice on football, nor do Brady’s skills on the field translate easily to financial success for others. DL is hiring him to be a cheerleader, precisely the role that he played in the one the biggest financial debacles of all time, which was @Gary point

  33. Score:

    Gary Leff: 1 — Tim Dunn: 0

    Brady was a GOAT on the football field, but showed bad judgment in being the biggest pitchman for one of the worst financial debacles in history. DL is not hiring Brady for advice on football, nor do Brady’s skills on the field translate easily to financial success for others. DL is hiring him to be a cheerleader, precisely the role that he played in one of the biggest financial debacles of all time, which was @Gary’s point

    That’s better…

  34. Tim, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so emotional. The ALL CAPS, the personal insults. All over Gary’s analysis of an airline’s decision to hire someone with objectively questionable decisions? Nobody completely certain in their facts and position would react so emotionally. It looks like Gary hit a nerve. It’s ok. DL is struggling to regain their glory. Not everything will work. In life and especially in your comments, when someone goes on and on or tries to twist every story and comment into something to make a point, the words are rooted in insecurity. Your endless and emotional discussion of DL reminds me of someone going on and on about political views.

    Regarding DL vs UA, the difference between first and third place is a matter of a few percentage points. Nobody makes a decent profit there, but yes it’s much more important for DL to make it work since they don’t have UA’s SFO hub.

    You said UA isn’t as relevant in the domestic market. I guess it’s a good thing for them that they have hundreds of domestic planes being delivered this year into the next few years. In addition to 100 confirmed 787 deliveries starting delivery next year plus the potential for up to 100 more if the rumors of options being conveyed to firm orders are to be believed.

    Regarding size in NYC, Cranky Flier posted an article a few months ago that says UA is #1 in local traffic. With all of the upgauging the lead will likely increase. Similarly to LAX, the numbers are so close that I’m not sure why it’s even a big deal in the first place.

    Additionally, as you’ve said when discussing NRT/HND or LHR/LGW, split hubs don’t work as well as single hub airports. I’m sure DL will do the best they can with their split hub in JFK/LGA, even if it’s not as optimal as UA’s EWR hub.

    DL has a benefit of fortress hubs with the associated fortress pricing power, in addition to low cost hubs with low CPEs. People are not paying for a DL premium, though people in the fortress hubs are paying more. DL’s lead over others has shrunk, especially with UA financially outperforming DL in several metrics in the first half of the year.

    Whatever the case, in your own words, it’s all a marathon, right? Or is that only in cases where DL is behind and not when AA or UA are catching up? Or in the case of UA’s future terminal 9 in LAX?

  35. This is a low blow. You are conflating malicious conduct like Bankman-Fried, Epstein, or Weinstein to paid celebrity endorsers who are serving as actors or models for a product or service. No, I don’t hold a model who poses with a Pepsi for a Pepsi commercial accountable for any health effects of the soda. Crypto was a big thing a few years ago and many people jumped on the bandwagon. Someone like Brady had no reason to know the financial or operational details of the exchange. Anyone who trusts a product because of a paid celebrity endorsement is not a victim except of his or her own ignorance. Just like we know cigarettes probably cause cancer, we know celebrity endorsers don’t always use the products or know much about them. I don’t blame Brady for possibly breaking some arbitrary advertising rules created by bureaucrats we don’t even support just like jay walking.

  36. Mr Crypto currency who lost “big time”, and now a consultant for Delta.
    I thought highly of Delta, but I now have my reservations (no pun intended) about senior leadership.

  37. Jack Hudson is saying what I am saying.
    And the point is that Gary LED OFF by attacking someone who IS the GOAT in his field and for which his crypto involvement – which he DID NOT RUN – is nowhere near the primary thing for which he is known or identified.
    The question – which Gary dodges – is why he led off in his headline – like no other person that covered the topic – in attacking Tom Brady.
    And the real issue for me is that Gary said exactly what I knew he believed – that I defend Tom Brady because of some emotional attachment I have to Delta – which is not only patently false but explains why there is a repeated string of articles where I have disagreed w/ him only for him to launch another article attacking Delta, proving that he thinks that by saying something negative about Delta is supposed to hurt me.
    It is the classic sign of someone that has been bullied – since someone mentioned the word – and reacts in kind.

    As for a couple of anecdotal reports of mileage costs, I could care less how many mileage redemption costs anyone finds. The point is that Skymiles is a loyalty program – just like Advantage and United’s program – that exists for the company’s benefit. For a blogger to incessantly not only fail to be able to point out that reality but create an environment where customers repeatedly come on the site to complain about a product. How is that OMAAT manages to create an environment where customers complain – exactly what is expected – but also manage to say “this is where I find value” just as OMAAT managed to discuss the Brady/Delta deal and largely panned it – without attacking Brady’s business dealings, EVEN THOUGH Ben also mentioned it.

    And Delta is the largest airline in NYC based on local traffic. United boards more total passengers because they connect more passengers. United still leads in local market revenue but as United has to cut EWR to prevent operational screwups and also is unable to operate a number of Asia flights, the difference in size between DL and UA – in which Delta clearly operates more flights – is smaller than ever.
    And the difference in ASMs that each of the big 3 produce on a system basis is even closer but United still jumped on the horn as soon as it could to argue that it was #1 because IT is driven by “my thing is bigger than yours” even if they have to brag about the most inconsequential metrics, avoiding talking about profits or revenues where UA significantly has trailed DL as long as Scott Kirby has been there – and now ALSO trails AA.

    LGA and JFK do not serve the same function for DL as LHR/LGW, CDG/ORY or HND/NRT do or have for other airlines. LGA is to MDW or SDU as JFK is to ORD or GRU. and most importantly, EWR cannot handle the number of flights that UA was trying to operate from there while DL can operate the number of flights at JFK and LGA that it has scheduled.

    Feel free to let us know the size DL or AA will be at LAX by the time that UA gets around to spending another couple billion to build the next terminal at LAX on top of the tens of billions above AA and DL it will spend on fleet and terminals. This incessant growth that UA’s rah-rah team wants you to believe is coming is unsustainable and simply won’t do anything to close the “my thing is bigger than yours” contest” that Kirby is so determined to try to win.

  38. I love when strangers get together to discuss and fight on the internet, so keep it up!

    Nobody yet has seen irony that Crypto and Loyalty programs are both essentially unregulated Ponzi Schemes?

    I applaud any athlete and/or celebrity endorser that can hoodwink the public into making money off their image because they can throw a ball better or have a pretty face. Advertising is just another Ponzi Scheme.

    If you are truly that stupid to blindly follow celebrity endorsements, then you deserve to lose money. I’ll only use a celebrity’s “brand image” when its late at night and the internet isn’t working right (most Marriott Courtyards)

    Stop paying attention to atheltes and celebrities and pay attention to your kids and their activites including sports. We’ll all be better off.

  39. Tim, you’re the one who always touts how big DL is, but when UA does it it’s them saying “my thing is bigger than yours”.

    Also, UA has grown in NYC, not shrunk as you said. They might have slightly less flights to manage EWR constraints, but with the upgauging and significantly more mainline flights their seat count is way up.

  40. This Timm Dunn (like that Hilton guy) is such a predictable bore. For all we know ChatGPT churns out his comments. So for the 100th time, people read this blog for tips on travel with points and miles, not for tips on stocks. Whether Delta is the most or not profitable is not relevant to what one can do today with points and miles. What matters to people here is the airline loyalty program, and what you can get with earning and using the points and miles.

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