Getting Used To Flying Without Air Force One

Left here without comment. If you choose to caption this, please keep it clean and civil!

Oddly, Ms. Trump tags Meat Loaf in her tweet. The 73 year old ground meat dish is most famous for appearing in several photos in the American Express Centurion Lounge at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. His dilapidated ancient 757 has been sitting in a hanger for over a year missing an engine. Can he afford to buy a new engine or will Sheldon buy him a proper airplane. He approved 100% expensing for aircraft. I, as a taxpayer, am only too happy to pay for airplanes for rich people. They need the taxpayers help.

  2. Love him or hate him he did a pretty good job. Jobs, stock market, etc. We’ll see what the next 4 brings but I’m betting on recession, high unemployment, higher taxes, and more people on welfare and food stamps.

  3. “Off to Georgia with Dad! Get out and VOTE Georgia!!!”

    I have many friends in Georgia, Ivanka. But I don’t think you really want them out voting today.

  4. ToOneXMarine: I am certainly in the “hate him” category. Trying to keep it civil, each new administration inherits the good or bad of the previous. Trump inherited a good economy, good employment, with the exception of the stock market Biden is inheriting a disaster. The next several years will not be easy, it will be a miracle if Biden can correct the course without significant turbulence. (just my opinion)

  5. @OneXMarine the emperor has no clothes. It’s now confirmed you are a Trumper. What jobs, pandemic is out of control and the vaccine distribution is a giant failure, 300k dead and fast growing, no leadership. Drunk on Kool aid.

    As with everything, once he’s lost the Oval office and time heals all wounds he will be seen for the con he is and hopefully in jail for pick one…sedition, tax fraud, rape, conspiracy…….

  6. @UA-NYC – Prior to the pandemic unemployment was the lowest in decades. Under Trump my business grew and my 401K and investments grew. I had the most employees in the 50+ years history of the company. There would have been even more but health care, from the Obama/Biden years, went from $180 per person to over $600 per person. Now I’m constantly looking for technical innovations to reduce or not hire people. My employee count is now the lowest in 50+ years and I blame it on the pandemic. There are things he has said and done I don’t like but he wasn’t elected to win my popularity vote. As far as OAN/Newsmax or Foxnews I don’t watch any of them although you keep suggesting that I do.

  7. @ NUNYA BUSINESS – Only thing confirmed is that I think Trump has done a decent job as president and far better than Clinton/Bush/Obama. And if you think that the bumbling old fool who can’t finish a sentence reading a teleprompter is going to accomplish anything you’re more of an optimist than I am. The democrats will use the 25th amendment to remove him from office and then we’ll have Harris.

    How much do you want to wager if Trump goes to jail or not?

  8. “Don’t worry about those mean election guys in Georgia daddy. As soon as we land I will speak to the Georgia manager”.

  9. @OneXMarine my 401k did fine under Obama, thank you very much. Also, I don’t care what he did in the last 4 years or how your business did with him. He lost the election and he has to leave in 15 days.

  10. Trump is a criminal who has built a governing force built on lies and corruption. Name one administration that has had as many criminal accusations and convictions as the current one. Trump has used the pardoning power to relieve his co conspirators of the debts they owe to the American people. Many were tried in American jurisprudence and found guilty.

    Not only does the new administration inherit the mismanaged pandemic, but an American public rightly distrustful of anyone in government, while he continues to try to dismantle American democracy by claiming he won.

    In Trump’s mind, it wasn’t an election. It was an opportunity for America to affirm his position and him. It wasn’t he who lost, but America got it wrong and failed. As he reminds every day, he won, America just didn’t do it his way.

    Trump speak is to find excuses and others to blame that justifies anything and everything.

  11. Good riddance to the one term, lame duck president. Lol at the commenter saying how much of a great job he did. By far the worst Presidency in American History. So glad this grifter won’t be flying around on our dime for much longer.

  12. Like the Bugermiester, Miesterburger from “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” soon he will be forgotten and a bad memory as millions of the “fringe” followers realize how corrupt and dishonest he really is.

    A real man would accept defeat with honor, he just looks like more and more of a joke.

  13. @OneXMarine – If there had been no problems, trump would have been fine…………..

  14. @OneXMarine – “Bet if he goes to jail or not” Kind of a low bar to measure success – Pathetic

  15. @John…. OneXMarine has a business, employs people and thus offers a contribution to society that is not state-run. He was also civil is in his responses. You are not, and are the exact reason beta cuckhold keyboard warriors like yourself will never succeed at anything you attempt in life. You are a disgrace to this country and to your parents who birth you.

  16. He did good for the economy actually very good. Great job. Times Up now is time to get the F…. Out of the White House and stop All your B.S. Your Fired by the People….

  17. Perhaps if one loved ones to Covid19 as I have, they wouldn’t be so dismissive of the 360,000 & rapidly increasing deaths from a public health crisis that could NOT have been more bungled & mismanaged by all but one other country, Brazil, than as has been done under the greedy & soulless ghouls in the OUTGOING administration.

    I’m all for good paying jobs, ever increasing 401k’s & other investment accounts & only the most useful & necessary government regulatory oversight – but frankly, being dismissive to the point of completing overlooking, or even being so contemptible of the lives needlessly lost by an administration whose legacy will surely become a case study in how NOT to successfully manage future global pandemics, is where I draw the line.

    You bet, I’d like to use far more incendiary language to express how I feel about those who seem to care only about their own businesses’ profits or the value of their stock portfolio’s.

    But, I’ll abide by Gary’s admonition to my words “clean & simple” just as long as my kindness is NOT mistaken for just how contemptible I view those who in their selfishness, greed, arrogance (or perhaps hate & ignorance, too) have said nothing about the horrific loss of lives they seem to care absolutely nothing about.

    Shame on them.


  18. In my above reader comment, the word “lost” was unintentionally omitted in the 1st paragraph & that error was not discovered until the post appeared after uploading.

    The CORRECTED copy is below, as follows:

    “Perhaps if one *LOST* loved ones to Covid19 as I have, they wouldn’t be so dismissive of the 360,000 & rapidly increasing deaths from a public health crisis that could NOT have been more bungled & mismanaged by all but one other country, Brazil, than as has been done under the greedy & soulless ghouls in the OUTGOING administration.”

    With apologies for the omission/error in the original post.

  19. People, we have a lot of serious problems on our hands- let’s try to work together to solve them.

  20. @1KBrad – you’re the truly pathetic one…keep endlessly defending him (and of course *claiming* you didn’t vote for him…suresuresure)

  21. I have to laugh about Michael even comparing his “401K” under Obama compared to the current President Trump. I have kept my records so I have proof. my 401K was stagnant at best under Obama over 8 years. Under President Trump in 4 years my 401K almost tippled

    Michael Say’s
    @OneXMarine my 401k did fine under Obama, thank you very much

    if doing fine means almost zero gain for 8 years then Michael is crazy.
    I would have at least expected him to say the massive 401K uptick for people under President Trump wasn’t the President’s doing but Michael is basically admitting the President has a lot to say in how our 401k does during their term.

  22. When corporate taxes are cut 40%, you can expect an increase in the economy. But I, as an individual received NOTHING out of that tax cut. And don’t forget, Trump was handed the country that was in excellent economic condition.

    Everything else Trump touched, he screwed up. Border wall, what a joke, what a con! China, while I agree that China abuses the world in trade. Trump, instead of teaming up with our allies to box China in, Trump alienated all our allies. All his good cabinet members left his administration. Covid, TOTAL abject failure. If Trump had really attempted to stop Covid and achieved what many other countries were able to achieve, Trump would have been re-elected. Trump lost because of Covid.

    As far as Biden. Biden will surround himself with very competent people. Who will resurrect the country and its economy. Because the stock market is NOT the economy. The real unemployment rate U6, was 12% in Nov 2020. So don’t be fooled, this economy is ALREADY in very bad shape. Biden is inheriting a disaster. But I have far more faith in Biden than I ever did for the loser in chief Trump.

  23. @Bob – completely agree!
    @John I agree with Bob, you’re disgrace.

    Compared to others here, and in life, I can see both sides of Trump, just like the world is not black and white, it’s all diff shades of grey. There are good things Trump did (Abraham Accords, anyone?), so-so things he did (tax cuts), and complete failures like (mis)handling of the pandemic.

    All that being said, nothing he did compares to the way Obama screwed up the healthcare in the USA, raised its cost, lied (“if you want to keep your doctor…”, “every family will pay $2,500 less for healtcare…”, etc.)

  24. TDS is the condition afflicting Trump supporters. Prominent symptoms are temporary blindness, selective amnesia, and atrophy of higher brain functions.

    Trump lost the election by a landslide yet thinks he should remain in office. That is not what Americans have fought, bled and died for for more than 200 years. Voluntarily transferring power in accordance with the vote of the people is the hallmark of our democracy. No one can overlook Trump’s desperate attempts to subvert democracy unless they suffer from acute TDS.

    If the economy (not the values and principles of upon which this country was founded) is what is most important to you, you should move to China. All 10 living former Secretaries of Defense ( including Cheney and Mattis) know Trump cares only about staying in office and would stoop to any level to do so if he thought he could get away with it. That’s why they just issued a joint letter warning him to keep the armed forces out of the election. This is not a matter of conservative or liberal. It’s about patriotism versus TDS.

  25. Reply to: “Trump can’t afford an engine on his jet!” — let’s fact check this: he doesn’t take a pay check for his work in office. His children don’t take millions in bribes from poor countries like the Ukraine; doesn’t take money from corrupt countries like China. Gee, good luck with your voting. You’ll vote yourself in to the poor house buddy — sounds like you may already be there

    President Trump didn’t even take a pay check for his Presidential work. Dominion voting machines are proven to connect to the internet from various sources; proven to falsify votes and allow cards to be counted multiple time.

    Look up Shaun Atwood on youtube from England then tell me what you think about Biden crime family.

  26. @ONExMarine:
    It seems a lot of people on here disagree with you.
    He does act like a marine….ignore the dead….onward into the breach.

  27. @Buck, Please send your proof that Dominion voting machines falsify votes to the Trump legal team because they have lost more than 50 lawsuits alleging election defects. Otherwise, just more undemocratic TDS.

  28. @losingtrader – It’s ok that not many people agree with me. Doesn’t bother me, I’m entitled to my opinion as are they theirs.

    I’ll take the Marine comment as a compliment because if it were not for men and women of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, Marines and Merchant Marines, who are willing to ignore the dead and step into the breech (not breach) we all might very well be speaking Japanese or German or some portion thereof.

  29. OneXMarine: I’m embarrassed by my spelling mistake.
    It wasn’t an insult.
    I think we need to call up people registered for Selective Service and have them do contact tracing and vaccinations.

  30. OneXMarine Thank you you get it!!! most of the left haters on here are clueless!!! Hope they want and LOVE more TAXES,MORE REGULATIONS,More WELFARE,…… and do not blame it on President TRUMP…

  31. @Dee – guess what, you didn’t get the breaks that corporations and the top 1% got in Trumps tax cut. And when Biden raises it halfway back, don’t worry, your taxes won’t go up.


  32. “ And when Biden raises it halfway back, don’t worry, your taxes won’t go up.

    #FactCheck” ….

    And this is what happens when basic economics is not taught in schools. Please enlighten us as to who is going to pay for all of these social programs? Corporations? No…. even half a percent is a drop in the bucket to what all of the proposed changes will cost. So where does that leave us? It’s going to come from us. But keep going on about big bad corporations and all the “tax cuts”. The sad truth is even if bread lines were formed, the same people complaining now about tax cuts would be saying it’s all Trump’s fault.

    The fact is the right and left are not going to get along period. End of story. Social media, fake news and a me-first attitude have fanned the flames for too long. The only way out of this is a national divorce.

  33. Here’s me thinking View From The Wing was referring to an airplane wing.

    Why is it that Americans hijack every forum on the internet with Trump “debates” regardless of the forum’s purpose? Left wing vs Right wing vs Libertarians vs Rednecks vs Conservatives vs BLM. Blah fuckn Blah.
    The 90% of us who aren’t from good ol ‘merica, and read travel blogs, or belong to travel forums like Flyertalk, couldn’t care less about your 401K or whatever the hell it is. Join a politics forum have have your pathetic US-centric circle jerks over there.

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