List Of Hotels With Bed Bugs Reported In Las Vegas [Roundup]

News and notes from around the interweb:

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I would have been livid to find that monster of a dog even remotely close to me on an airline.

  2. Wow, this is quite an eye-opener! Firstly, I’d like to express my gratitude to you Gary, for taking the time to compile such a comprehensive list. Having traveled quite extensively, These critters can cause a lot of discomfort, not to mention the hassle of dealing with them even after returning home.

    It’s alarming to see some prominent Las Vegas hotels on this list. While it’s crucial to remember that even the most upscale establishments can encounter bed bug issues due to their global clientele, it’s equally important for these hotels to address such issues promptly. Bed bugs, unlike some other problems, can’t be swept under the rug (literally and figuratively!). They require immediate attention and rigorous extermination methods.

    For prospective travelers reading this list, I’d urge them not to panic or dismiss a hotel based on a single report. Instead, utilize this as a starting point. Check more recent reviews on popular travel platforms to see if recent guests continue to report issues. It might also be worth reaching out to the hotel directly. Many establishments appreciate the opportunity to address concerns and may provide information on steps they’ve taken to rectify the situation.

    Another vital takeaway is the importance of preventive measures. While it’s crucial for hotels to maintain high hygiene standards, travelers can also do their bit. Simple actions like inspecting the bed and luggage rack upon checking in, or keeping luggage away from beds and couches, can go a long way in preventing unwelcome stowaways.

    This list underscores the importance of being informed and proactive, both as a traveler and as an establishment owner. While it’s disheartening to see some favorite spots listed here, let’s remember that the key lies in addressing the issue head-on and ensuring the comfort and safety of all guests.

  3. A list of hotels that have been reported having bed bugs is not actually that useful, because I would bet that every major hotel has had bed bugs, they just haven’t been reported.
    Bed bugs have nothing to do with hygiene and can’t be prevented since DDT was outlawed. They can only be dealt with after they have been discovered.
    What would be useful is somehow finding out hotel rooms where they were reported repeatedly as it would be an indication that the hotel did not take action to eradicate them (although even the most aggressive action to kill them sometimes doesn’t work)

  4. The best precaution you can take against bed bugs is this:

    When you get home, transfer your clothes directly to the washing machine, with no interim steps. Wash them then dry on high heat. Clothes that can’t be tumble dried should be left outside in direct sunlight for four to six hours. If it’s hot, you can also put them in a black trash bag and out in the heat for a few hours.

    Do not put your clothes on the bed or couch. STRAIGHT into the washing machine. If you have more than will fit in one load, leave the rest outside if the weather allows until you can get them in there.

    Both direct UV exposure and high heat kill not just bed bugs but their eggs.

    If you have soft kids’ toys that can’t be laundered without damage, then those can be left outside in the sun for a few hours.

    Heat or sun will take care of those critters. (I DO avoid hotels with multiple recent reports, though).

  5. I’ve been in the airline business for 25 years and started in RES. For some reason, I always thought that all but service animals had to be able to fit in an approved under the seat carrier. Everything else had to be carried in the cargo hold. Now, many airlines will not carry live animals in the cargo hold during summer months as the temperatures can become too hot until airborne. Reptiles are prohibited in the cabin because of the possibility of salmonella contamination.

  6. After having brought bedbugs home from a hotel once, it’s an experience I care never to repeat.

    I assume every room has them, even after the bed check, and any signs. I also have a heater for my bag – and it goes into it after every trip. Is it a pain in the behind – yes. Is it overkill? Likely. But getting rid of those buggers was a multi-month process that was bad.

  7. Complimentary is not the word you or anyone else in the hospitality or service industry wants to use. That’s all about giving compliments, as in “You look nice today.”

    Complementary involves giving you something in addition or to complement what you already have, as in “Beer costs money, but the nuts are complementary.”

  8. Going to be that person.

    Complimentary, noun:

    1. Expressing a compliment.
    2. Providing something free of charge.

    It’s the correct term.

  9. Bedbugs can be sprayed w quality spray from Home Depo-[others don’t carry brand starting w “O” & and the end of name is an “n”. Well known professional exterminators.
    Look for a bottle thar includes a professional type sprayer attach & has a battery for sprayer included in wand.
    It’s prob.not a gallon & been under $20 till pandem. White bottle.

    O.k. this stuff Works! If. You or your children can’t take chemicals-this isn’t for you…The chemical smell isnt too bad if keep ventalation open! Must spray to saturate-no reason to over do. It works-just don’t try to be cheap & lightly dust-it must get moist type saturate..after spraying chairs furniture-spray up the walls abt 6 in should be good.
    So this size is enough to do approx 400 sq ft well. It needs to be sprayed on -example reg 2 bed motel rm-spray bedspreads, then the underneath around sides of Matt & box-the underside of bed-carpet underneath if open. For Dresser etc. Sray inside drawers. Take the empty drawers out of furn. & spray around inside of the piece & if bad infest-spray outside of drawers-I didn’t have to. Then when dry-put in.
    If have curtains-spray abt 3 ft. Spray behind any pictures etc u can & in back of headboard-lamps ….
    Then threshold of bathroom to spray your way out of the room & leave room till dry while venalating best can. If can’t take chem smell -i only had issue almost done-if sensitive use more ppl less exposure-but its not really strong till end for me.

    This stuff Works! It should stop issue in 1 application if follow directions. In 10 yrs I had to use 3 X & got the recom. frm mom & pop motel.

    Otherwise prof do same thing but want to hook u into a 6-12-mo th contract-2-3 times should be plenty.
    1t time had R. Mates bring-was ready to get DDT from Black market it was so awful!
    Now u have a REAL solution if u vcan take chemicals any motel should be spraying with reg. for under $20-30 for $400 & No Need to throw out anything w average infest.

    Taking the worry & fear out of my life has been fabulous!.

    If I traveled etc freq. I Wld have 1 with me -spray b4 brought clothes etc in-then after dry-stay in room worry free!

  10. The word “free” is forbidden at the American Express Centurion lounges.
    Phrases like “free of charge, on the house, gratis, perk, freebie, handout, and, for nothing are also verboten. Employees must use the word “complementary.” Here are some examples.

    “Sorry, the complimentary Centurion Lounge showers are out of service.”

    “We apologize. Would you like to be on our two-hour waiting list for complimentary admittance to the Centurion Lounge?”

    “I sincerely apologize that due to overcrowding, there are no places in our lounge to sit down while eating because you are not yet worthy of possessing the American Express black Centurion Card to acquire a reserved table. However, you can enjoy eating our complimentary food while sitting or standing on our complimentary floor.”

    “Sorry, all the automated cappuccino machines at the DFW Centurion Lounge have been broken for over three months. You can use our complimentary elevator or stairs to exit the Centurion Lounge to reach the Starbucks adjacent to our lounge entrance next, and wave goodbye to the employees taking waiting list names for lounge entry.”

    “My apologies. The Centurion Lounge has not yet received our resupply of two-ply toilet paper for the lavatory. Instead, cardmembers should use the complimentary paper hand towels conveniently placed in all bathrooms.” However, as an additional cardmember privilege, if you are a Centurion black card member, we have reserved an extra roll of toilet paper as an exclusive benefit.”

  11. As somebody with multiple chemical sensitivies, I emphatically do *not* want the hotel spraying with heavy duty stuff.

    I’m a super smeller. I have also been known to break out in hives and I can’t always determine what *from*.

    The methods I mentioned work without the need to use heavy duty chemicals.

    Also, chemicals *do not kill bed bug eggs*. So the infestation will likely come back unless you do something else as well.

    If you have bed bugs in your mattress, another thing you can do is have a professional do an encasement. Don’t try to do it yourself as it has to be done perfectly. Basically they wrap the mattress in an airtight cover. The bed bugs will eventually suffocate, although they can go dormant for as long as two years so it has to stay on that long.

    Again, I don’t want hotels using any more chemicals than they have to. I’m not judging people for using chemicals to deal with an infestation in their home if they aren’t sensitive, though.

  12. On TVs in rooms. I stayed somewhere recently where there was a wiring problem in the room. The power sockets on the table next to the TV did not work. I knew the hotel was full and I was staying on my own, so I asked them not to move me…there was too much of a likelihood that somebody who with *even more* devices.

    They kept repeating “Does the TV work?” “I don’t know.” “It’s really important that the TV works.”

    I don’t use the hotel TV pretty much ever *when I’m on my own*. I have, however, watched movies in my own or somebody else’s room and have been at room parties where people were using the hotel TV to…in one case to allow somebody to “attend” from their hospital bed.

    I wouldn’t want to see the TVs go away, but it did amuse me that they were so afraid I would complain if it didn’t work. I was attending a conference! I wasn’t planning on doing anything in my room but sleeping…

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