Insane: American Airlines Is Still Spending Money To Add Seats To Aircraft

Mar 15 2020

American Airlines has cut its international schedule by 75% and its domestic schedule by 30%. Load factors are dropping. People aren’t buying tickets. The one thing American Airlines has too much of is seating capacity. And the one thing American Airlines has too little of to make it through this crisis is money. That’s why they’re running to the government for assistance.

And yet they’re continuing their ‘Oasis retrofit’ program where they replace the interiors of domestic aircraft to add seats to planes, making them less comfortable for passengers.

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American Airlines Parking Jets, Down To 3 Long Haul Routes, Cuts Domestic By 30%

Mar 15 2020

American Airlines, slow off the dime in its moves to protect its business compared to United and Delta, already began major capacity cuts in response to the administration’s ban on non-U.S. residents entering the country if they’ve been to Schengen Area countries of Europe within the past 14 days.

With the government extending that restriction to the U.K. and Ireland, and with demanding drying up more and more each day, they’ve now taken things a step further. They are reduce international capacity by 75% year-over-year. Ostensibly this will apply March 16 to May 6, but many of these cuts will almost certainly last longer.

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How To Get Most Of Your Money Back Even Though Hertz Won’t Refund Prepaid Reservations

hertz rental car desk
Mar 15 2020

Airlines are offering travel credit for cancelled reservations. Hotels are letting customers with prepaid reservations cancel without penalty. It’s frequently not possible to travel, either because of a government ban or an employer’s policy. The events or activities you planned to go to may not be happening – all of the world’s Disney theme parks are closed, even. Yet Hertz is keeping your money from prepaid car rental reservations.

Fortunately there is a hack to save some money if Hertz won’t offer a refund.

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Airport Immigration Insanity: We’re Cramming Everyone Together Body-To-Body

Mar 15 2020

The U.S. is limiting international travel and funneling it through a limited set of airports. That’s supposed to allow them to screen passengers better entering the country. Here the government is failing and making things worse.

The virus is already here and spreading. We don’t know how badly because we are keeping out foreign tests. Our solution to that appears to be keeping out foreigners and forcing everyone in close proximity to each other to encourage spread.

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United Won’t Refund Customers With International Schedule Changes FOR A YEAR

united planes runway
Mar 15 2020

This is United’s fourth refunds policy change in just a week. If they change your international flight by 6 hours or more they will give you a credit for the amount of your ticket. If you don’t use the credit within a year then and only then are you eligible for a refund.

As recently as March 6, United offered refunds if they changed your schedule two hours or more.

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United Makes Their Schedule Change Policy Less Terrible (But Still Deplorable)

united plane
Mar 14 2020

United has revised their refund policy for reservations where they impose a schedule change three times in the past week. They are more draconian than competitors, and the changes to published rules apply even to tickets purchased prior to the changes. This points to how United is viewing holding on to customer cash in the short run – over taking care of their customers in the long run.

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