united baggage

Search Results for "united baggage".

What Keeps American Airlines From Offering a Checked Baggage Guarantee

Aug 30 2019

Delta and Alaska Airlines commit to delivering checked bags within 20 minutes of each flight arriving. United and American make no such commitment. An American employee asked about what the airline can do to improve its baggage delivery times, and management provided a response in writing outlining some of the challenges that they have with bags – and how it’s supposed to work.

They also explained why bags often don’t make it when you change flights during irregular operations.

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United Airlines Issues Guidelines to Help Agents Catch Customers Saving Money on Airfare

Aug 02 2019

A flight from DC to Milwaukee via Chicago might be cheaper than flying non-stop to Chicago. So you add the connection from Chicago to Milwaukee, even though you don’t plan to take it. That’s throwaway ticketing.

That saves you money, but it violates airline rules. You may think you’re buying a seat on both the DC to Chicago and Chicago to Milwaukee flights, and you should be able to do whatever you wish with your seat (take the flight or not take the flight). The airline, though, thinks they’re selling you a ticket from DC to Milwaukee and argues that’s a different product than a flight from DC to Chicago.

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Brazilian President Takes to YouTube Threatening to Veto Free Baggage Allowance

baggage claim
Jun 07 2019

In December Brazil advanced a rule to eliminate foreign ownership restrictions on airlines operating inside the country. There had been a 20% cap, and currently Delta owns 9.4% of Gol, Qatar 10% of LATAM, and United 8% of Azul — three airlines that control 92% of the Brazilian market.

The rule was temporary, requiring legislative action followed by the President’s signature. The President has one problem with the bill, and he announced it on YouTube.

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Breakdown: Woman Can’t Face the Idea of Four Hours in a United Coach Middle Seat

people on plane
Jan 27 2019

Every single day an inner battle boils in the skies, just below the service, threatening to bubble over.

A passenger videotaped a woman melting down after boarding her United flight. She said she had four hours ahead of her in a middle seat. She declares “I can’t do this.” She complains also about the size of the two passengers on either side of her. She says she’s small in comparison (she isn’t), “I eat salad.”

But that’s not what makes this story absolutely perfect. There’s an Easter egg in the video.

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What’s Worse Than Flying United to Hong Kong? Sitting on United Over 16 Hours and Going Nowhere

airplane cabin
Jan 20 2019

United’s Newark – Hong Kong flight diverted to Goose Bay on Saturday for a medical emergency and that’s when things went bad.

The plane went mechanical and passengers had to stay on the aircraft overnight because there were no customs agents available. They were running out of food, and the cabin started getting cold. It was basically the plot of the 1993 film Alive.

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