Leaked Recording: American’s Top Executives Weigh In On The Operational Mess Of Their India Flights

american airline plane
Dec 13 2021

American Airlines launched its New York JFK – Delhi flight, marking its return to India, but it’s been plagued by massive problems. They haven’t been granted the right to fly over Russia, and so the flight takes two hours longer than flights on other airlines. That means more fuel and more crew and the plane has frequently had to take a diversion – further lengthening the trip and inconveniencing passengers.

Right now fares would have to be a lot lower for anyone to want to fly American over even Air India, let alone United from Newark. Addressing the issues has been a company-wide priority for the airline.

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Delta Spends $1.2 Billion To Lock In Influence At 3 Airlines

virgin atlantic
Dec 13 2021

After receiving around $10 billion in direct payments from taxpayers, the airline is spreading its cash around the world. Delta is investing $1.2 billion in three airlines where it’s held an equity stake:

Before the pandemic Delta saw the U.S. market as mature and limited, but it had opportunities for growth around the world. Instead of focusing on alliances, it took stakes in foreign carriers to give them tighter control and greater participation in upside.

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Why Elite Status Actually Matters To Me

Dec 12 2021

I made it to the airport around 45 minutes to departure. I was already checked in, have CLEAR and PreCheck, and didn’t need to check bags. So that’s plenty of time. I even was able to pick up a coffee, bottle of water, and breakfast taco prior to start of boarding.

It wasn’t until I got on the aircraft that I realized I didn’t have my rollaboard with me. It was when I looked up at the overhead bin and wondered why I didn’t have anything to put in it that I knew I’d done something wrong.

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Hero Pilots Save Horror Flight That May Have Been De-Iced With Counterfeit Fluid

Dec 12 2021

oneworld airline S7 Siberian Airlines flight 5220 from Magadan to Novosibirsk declared a mayday while climbing out on departure ” due to unreliable airspeed and related problems with autopilot and autothrust.”

The Airbus A321 had 192 passengers and 7 crew on board and tried to return to Magadan twice but severe icing prevented them from doing so. They flew four and a half hours to divert to Irkutsk.

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Robert Isom Explains: As CEO Of American, It’ll Be Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss

inside plane
Dec 12 2021

American has underperformed the industry financially, alienating shareholders. They’ve alienated customers and employees. They’ve focused primarily on operational reliability but haven’t delivered that, as they’ve offered a ‘me too’ (but a little bit less) inflight product. They lack a strategy for earning a revenue premium over competitors, necessary because of their lagging financials and crushing debt. So far it doesn’t sound like Isom sees that the current path is unsustainable over the long term.

In comments to employees this past week he made clear that his appointment at CEO isn’t about change that he’s been a part of every major strategic decision at the airline for years, and he believes they’re on the right path.

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