Airline Lobby Group Warns Something Entirely Normal May Happen If Governments Don’t Fork Over Money

depressed businessman leaning his head below a bad stock market chart
Nov 22 2020

The head of world airline trade group IATA says so far governments have provided subsidies to carriers totaling $160 billion. But that’s not enough and they believe governments need to hand over more.

And what’s the terrible thing that will happen if they don’t? Something that is entirely and completely normal and happens all the time during normal times: some airlines may go out of business. That’s ok.

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Remember The Woman Taken Off A United Express Flight In Just A T-Shirt? There’s Finally Video.

Nov 22 2020

The story made the rounds initially when the incident first occurred. The woman doesn’t necessarily deserve her second 15 minutes, but for some reason it took an inordinately long time for video to surface. Since so many readers asked ‘where’s the video’ Ms. McClinton gets a second round of attention. In all likelihood it will be her last.

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Qatar Airways 7500 Miles For New Members, Stacks With Student Bonus Offers

giant teddy bear
Nov 21 2020

It’s been some time since there have been generous offers just to sign up for a frequent flyer program, essentially to start a permission marketing relationship. Maybe 16 years ago United Airlines was giving out 1000 miles to new members referred by an existing member, and rewarding the member that referred them to. But usually new member bonuses have required some kind of activity – proof of a customer’s value to the airline – before being triggered.

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1 Million People Flew Yesterday And That’s A Little Scary

Nov 21 2020

Thanksgiving air travel is going to set 2020 records, and the confidence level for that can be adjusted up significantly after 1 million people cleared TSA security checkpoints yesterday.

We’re now at a place where intertemporal substitution makes a great deal of sense. We’ll travel less now, and travel more in the summer. We’ll go out to eat less now, and go out to eat more in the summer. I simultaneously cannot wait for travel to recover and also hope it waits until 2021 to do so.

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Mask Disputes On Planes Are Set To Skyrocket By Late Winter

Nov 21 2020

Once so many people have either had Covid-19 or been vaccinated against it that it’s equally likely that someone is vulnerable to it as not, restrictions on those who aren’t vulnerable to the virus (and therefore cannot spread it) are going to be harder to maintain. We’re going to see more people rebelling against mask requirements on planes in late March than we’ve seen so far.

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The Worst Airport Gate In America Close To Being Shut Down

gate number
Nov 21 2020

The worst airport gate in American, Washington National’s gate 35X, is officially put to rest and will no longer cause misery to travelers.

With fewer flights, American Airlines 50 seat regional jet departures have been moved to the main terminal, instead of having to take an escalator down to a dark and dingy holding pen before being driven to bus gates.

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5000 Free Miles From Underrated Star Alliance Frequent Flyer Program, Just For Signing Up

Nov 21 2020

Aegean Miles & Bonus is one of the most lucrative Star Alliance frequent flyer programs. Awards booked through them across Star Alliance partner airlines require fewer miles than in most other programs. So when they’re giving away 5000 redeemable miles just for signing up by December 1 those miles actually get you much closer to an award than you’d think.

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