We’re Going To See A Bifurcated World Of Frequent Flyer Haves And Have Nots, Based On Modest Effort

first class cabin
Nov 14 2020

U.S. frequent flyer programs aren’t the most valuable. In fact some airline programs seem almost allergic to the idea that some consumers somewhere might actually benefit in an outsized way from what they offer. United and Delta have actually devalued their award prices for travel on partner airlines during the pandemic. And when we see promotions they aren’t especially rich – either it takes a lot more from the customer compared to what the program is willing to give, or earning is capped at very low levels.

The real value comes from airlines around the world who won’t so quickly devalue, and whose airlines will begin to ramp up service perhaps before demand fully returns. Expect to see a lot of award seats available on Emirates, whose planes like Airbus A380s and Boeing 777s are too big for many routes at least for awhile.

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Flight Attendant Sues Her Union To Stop Paying Dues

United Flight Attendants Campaigning in Union Election Outside San Francisco United Club
Nov 14 2020

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission investigated an earlier complaint, was unable to resolve it, but found sufficient merit to issue a “Right to Sue” letter so the federal government has found some merit in the arguments thus far. Winning this case would represent an existential threat to airline unions. It seems a long shot, however.

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People Are Holding Events In The Sky To Circumvent Quarantines

Terribly Named Flewber Offers Private Flights for $400 One Way ($700 Roundtrip)
Nov 14 2020

Rules that limit the size of gatherings are imposed at the city, state, or national level – and don’t apply to the sky. So if it’s illegal to gather with 20 or 40 of your closest friends because of the global pandemic, why not hold your get together in the sky?

Not only is it a way to hold events that’s legal in places that restrict getting together with those outside your immediate household due to Covid-19, but it’s also a way to look after the safety of your guests and reduce the likelihood of spread.

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Would Airlines Solve Much Of Their Environmental Problems If They Just Flew Higher?

sulfur dioxide emissions
Nov 14 2020

It turns out what while aviation’s contribution to global emissions has been growing as worldwide air travel has grown (pre-pandemic), it hasn’t increased in relative importance. Between 2000 and 2018 aviation has steadily accounted for about 3.5% of climate-affecting emissions, and that includes commercial and cargo flights, according to a new study from climate scientist David Lee and Manchester Metropolitan University.

What’s especially interesting though is just how aviation appears to affect climate. It’s contrails that matter most – water vapor and exhaust forming ice crystals.

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Man Arrested Because He Booked Hotel Discount Rate He Wasn’t Entitled To

Nov 13 2020

A man had pled guilty to impersonating a law enforcement officer in order to get hotel discounts. He posed as a U.S. Marshal, and had a fake badge to show to prove his eligibility for a government rate.

He always paid in cash “and on more than one occasion told the desk clerk collecting the payment to wash her hands after handling the money as it was confiscated drug money he had received as bonuses for ‘busts’.”

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Will Elaine Chao Stay On As Secretary Of Transportation In A Biden Administration?

Nov 13 2020

Frequently Presidents have chosen a member of the opposite party for one cabinet post. Sometimes it’s been Secretary of Defense (Republican Senator Bill Cohen of Maine under Bill Clinton, for instance). Sometimes it’s been Secretary of Transportation (Republican Congressman Ray LaHood under Barack Obama, former Clinton Commerce Secretary Norm Mineta under George W. Bush).

In a return to normalcy, and especially with a very divided Senate that Republicans have slightly better odds to control, President Biden might choose a Republican for his cabinet – perhaps part of a deal to get a vote on other cabinet nominees.

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