A Simple Guide To American Airlines Trip Credits, Flight Credits, Vouchers And Gift Cards

Oct 04 2020

American Airlines recently introduced ‘trip credits’ which are electronic and have different rules from the ‘flight credits’ they’re replacing. Both forms of payment you can use towards a new ticket, but the rules are different. And they work differently than a payment voucher – and a gift card.

Fortunately American Airlines has created a comparison chart for their own employees to use. This was published internally for employees on September 26.

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United’s New Newark-Johannesburg Non-Stop Business Class Awards For Four Passengers

first class seats
Oct 03 2020

United will start flying Newark – Johannesburg March 27, 2021. You wouldn’t be taking a holiday there now, but five and a half months is a million years in Covid time and mileage redemptions are especially flexible – a much better idea than paying cash for an international ticket right now.

The route will feature United’s new business class, and there’s excellent award availability right now.

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Kauai Rebels Against Hawaii’s Re-Opening Plan

Oct 03 2020

Hawaii has required everyone arriving in the state to quarantine for 14 days. They’ve put off plans to re-open tourism until October 15. At that point they’ll allow visitors with a negative Covid test within 3 days of arrival to skip quarantine.

The island of Kauai, though, isn’t satisfied and doesn’t want to participate.

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Earn Minimum Of 4 Points Per Dollar On All American Express Spending For 3 Months

credit cards
Oct 02 2020

American Express lets cardmembers earn points when they refer a friend who applies and is approved for a new card. You’re generally limited only to referring friends and family for cards you already have yourself.

From October 1 through October 28 they’re adding a new bonus to encourage people to refer friends. In addition to the standard points that they’ll give for a successful referral, they’ll also let someone who successfully refers someone earn 3 more points per dollar (or earn 3% more cash back) for the next three months.

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Airlines Sold Debt Backed By Miles. Mileage Mutual Funds and Synthetic CDOs May Be Next

Oct 02 2020

With securitizing frequent flyer programs the ‘new thing’ J.P. Morgan sees an opportunity to take smaller pieces of a program – rather than a whole thing – and turn them into tradeable commodities.

Why not take pieces of the loan and trade those, creating a more liquid market? Why not then package these into frequent flyer mutual funds, parts of various instruments backed by several airline programs? And why not make a leveraged bet on these?

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