Why First Class Meals Matter, And American Airlines Is Headed The Wrong Direction

Jul 19 2020

American Airlines is dropping meals on most domestic flights that are over 2200 miles as well as short haul international. These flights, that have been receiving single tray meal service in first class throughout the pandemic, will get a fruit and cheese plate instead.

Here’s why this ‘first world problem’ actually matters more now than ever.

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Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant Fired After Criticizing Union President’s Support For Abortion (‘Harassment’)

Jul 19 2020

Unions take political positions their members disagree with all the time. And members should feel free to communicate with their union leadership over those disagreements. It’s fair to proscribe the time, place and manner for those disagreements – but shocking for a union President to secure for the firing of a union member over an internal union matter.

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All Delta Tickets Are Now Refundable, Just Claim A Fake Exemption To The Mask Requirement

Jul 18 2020

U.S. airlines now require that passengers wear masks in order to fly. They’ve been lobbying the federal government to require it, but it seems like compliance on planes is actually better than average compared to many states where it’s a legal requirement.

Passengers who have medical reasons not to wear a mask are exempt from the requirement. Delta is going a step farther than other airlines (as they often do, for better and worse) requiring passengers who want to claim a medical exemption to have a medical consult prior to travel. If you’re faking, you get your money back.

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Masks Can’t Stop Passengers With Raging Hormones

Jul 18 2020

Usually passengers use the lavatory. Far less common is when passengers just stay at their seats although those are the stories that go most viral especially when they’ve only just met on board.

I don’t know the story of these two passengers, but you can see that even though love hit them at least one is still wearing a mask.

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