Marriott Rewards will now give you up to 2000 points per month for social media activities.

- Step 1: Connect your social profiles to your Marriott Rewards account, starting with Facebook.
- Step 2: Follow the social profiles of participating Marriott brands and properties on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare.
- Step 3: Earn Marriott Rewards points by:
- Sharing or retweeting our posts to your Facebook or Twitter feeds each day
- Checking into properties on Facebook or Foursquare every day you visit
- Posting a photo each day to Instagram and tagging it with a property’s location
- Using #LoveMarriottRewards, #RenHotels or #Autograph in your daily Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts
- Liking and following select brands and properties in Facebook or Twitter
Sign up by giving them your Marriott Rewards number and linking it to a social media profile.
I began with Facebook, which passes information to them but doesn’t allow them to post on your Wall so they cannot spam you and your friends. They do, of course, need certain access to track your posts and reward you for qualifying activity.

Connecting with Twitter allows them to see your tweets (again, necessary to reward you) and also see who you follow.

You can connect Instagram and Foursquare as well.
And earn up to 2000 points every 30 days:
In order to earn points with Plus Points you must set your Marriott Rewards earning preference to ‘points’ and not to ‘miles.’ And this only is available for Marriott Rewards, and not for Ritz-Carlton Rewards accounts. (You have to choose whether your account is aligned with Marriott or Ritz-Carlton.)
When you earn points you’ll receive an email to the address listed as primary with Facebook.
When earning points for ‘liking’ a page, you have to like it for at least a week before you qualify for points.
Social check-ins such as on Foursquare do not require you to have a reservation at a property, being at a restaurant for instance and checking in works. Back in the old days of Topguest I used to ‘check into’ four different hotels to earn points all from my living room.
(HT: Loyalty Lobby)
- You can join the 40,000+ people who see these deals and analysis every day — sign up to receive posts by email (just one e-mail per day) or subscribe to the RSS feed. It’s free. You can also follow me on Twitter for the latest deals. Don’t miss out!
So just to make it clear, you sell your FRIENDS out for 2000 MR points a month. This is why I HATE Facebook. Your friends can sell your info.
Here are some questions that would help:
We all know time is money, so how much time do you estimate it takes to earn that 2,000 points a month?
Then, what is the value of that 2,000 points, when redeeming it for the cheapest room an average property.
i.e. if the lowest room redemption is 15,000 points, then it would be 7.5 months to earn a free room.
I am one of the biggest points hogs out there, but if there are too many hoops and ladders to get through to earn a free room, I pass, but this one doesnt seem like too much work.
I would love anyone’s estimate on how much time it would take per month earning those 2,000 points. 1 hour? 2 hours?
Seems like a lot things to keep track off each month to get 2000 points?
Anew way to pollute Facebook. Is it possible to set up an alternate FB account for such nonsense?
Simply set your Facebook settings to post to Only Me rather than Friends if you are worried about spamming your friends.
This is why I hate Facebook also. It’s gotten to the point that you can’t see friends post for all of the ads you have to wade through. I know this is free advertising for Marriott but, at some point, we’re going to get over saturated.
A husband and wife can earn 48,000 points per year doing this. A good travel package for a Cat 9 hotel costs 390,000 points and is worth about $7,000. 48,000 is 12 percent of 390,000, so Marriott is willing to pay a husband and wife roughly $840 per year for a few Facebook and Foursquare “likes.” Seems like a fine deal to me.
Just set up a fake facebook account, takes 5 seconds to like the properties.
Also, I just created a list of all the social properties that are under the promotion for facebook & twitter – feel free to copy and paste that for your own readers.
Here’s that list that William mentioned:
The only Likes of pages I have on Facebook are for 3 people I know, but I already follow plenty of businesses on Twitter. So I added the 8 follows on Twitter and within a couple days received e-mails about the points if I continue following them for the week. I doubt my Twitter follow care about who I follow, though perhaps there will be an occasional promoted post that they would see from Marriott since I follow the properties. I assume I need to follow 8 more properties next month or just unfollow and re-follow the same.
Do we have to use #LoveMarriottRewards, #RenHotels or #Autograph in every relevant post to earn the points?
@Kalboz, you can post with those hashtags for 25 points each, 80 times per month to reach the 2000 point maximum or just follow Ren Hotels, Autograph and 6 individual properties. You probably need to follow 8 properties each month, so you can probably unfollow the same ones. The doctorofcredit site had links to many of the Twitter and Facebook accounts of the properties.
They just changed their rules. No more “250 pts” categories!!