Why Was the Flight Attendant In A United Uniform On My American Airlines Flight? [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. On AA’s long-awaited a321LXRs, I’m with you, Gary! Just deliver it! C’mon!

    On the ‘United’ flight attendant aboard American Airlines, as Gary suggested, it probably was a regional subsidiary, like Republic Airways, which operates for American Eagle, Delta Connection, and United Express, so maybe she came from one flight to another and that was the uniform available. Definitely would cause me to do a double-take.

    On Amtrak, I love me some choo-choo news, though I wish it were better updates. For the NE corridor, they really need to get the NextGen Acela cars running. Was supposed to be by Spring 2025… even then, 160 mph is not a Shinkansen, but we’ll take whatever we can get!

  2. Do regional FAs work/represent different airlines? If so presumably this FA forget which airline she’d be representing that day? Or is it possible for a particularly regional flight attendant to work two regionals/two jobs? And she mixed up which one she was working for that day.

  3. Wouldn’t flight attendants working for regional carriers like Republic “specialize” in flying for AA, DL, or UA regional flights? Otherwise they would need three sets of uniforms. Service standards and procedures would be somewhat different too. For instance, think of inflight announcements and thanking elite passengers by referencing FF tiers. It would be confusing to switch back and forth between AA and UA flights, although if Republic only had a UA-Specialist FA available with a UA uniform, that would be better than delaying/canceling the flight.

  4. A regional pilot told me a trick he uses is to announce “welcome to Flight 1234 operated by (name of his employer).”

    This leaves out the name of the airline/brand, ensuring ZERO chance he will mistakenly give out the wrong name.

  5. @Craig Jones — Oh, come now, Craig.

    While I have plenty of bones to pick with the leadership of these mega-corps, namely when they break passengers’ trust with bad policies, I don’t often fault the crews or other front-line workers, because, as we should know, they are purposely disempowered by their employers and often underpaid, too.

    So, no, the crews aren’t dead-heads, unless they happened to also be fans of Jerry Garcia–and, in that case, I’d prefer Casey Jones, ‘driving that train’…

  6. My guess is she was scheduled to do a UA branded regional flight, and they had to shift her to that flight due to staffing issues (e.g., people calling off).

  7. A F/A on a regional told me that in general, Their uniforms are generic to all the airlines but I forgot what airline he told me where they have to wear a different uniform when working that specific airline. I’m sure when it comes in-ops they take whoever they can.

    Back in the day when I was a flight attendant, I was supposed to deadline and layover and I wore my street clothes and they told me I had to work the flight. I had my uniform but there wasn’t time to change so I worked in my regular clothes. Most comfortable working trip.

  8. Although it may be against the rules to carry any luggage while evacuating by the slides (are rules for flight attendants different?), I would give the Southwest flight attendant a break. She had a shoulder bag, not a roller bag (watching cabin crews arrive at the gate has let me observe that most have a shoulder bag and a roller bag.) Because there isn’t a place to carry a lot of stuff in their uniform, they may carry a lot of their personal items like phones, identification, credit cards and money in their shoulder bags. Not heavy stuff and not a situation likely to rip the slide. As a passenger, I have more choices so I have a waist bag attached to me at all times and additional items, such as meds, in my jacket. Those things would go with me except in the direst of circumstances. She probably carried enough to work the next flight even if the roller bag was not brought out in a timely manner (from an aircraft that may have not needed to be slide evacuated.) If she didn’t have enough to work the next flight, maybe that flight would have to be canceled.

  9. I always thought/knew regionals only worked for one “brand.” Is that not true? The planes are unique of course, sometimes TA/GAs are shared? Maybe someone can do a deep dive into this.

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