Will You Dare To ‘Rawdog’ A Flight? Outrageous New Game Challenges You To Stare Into Space For Hours—Only The Fearless Survive!

I always thought that the Airplane Mode video game was a bit odd. You sit in your airplane seat for six hours. Your flight takes off. You’ll be served a meal. Other passengers and crew will move about the cabin. Babies might cry. Will your wifi work, and if so when will it cut out? Your flight may even delay.

But then came Plane Food Simulator where you try to eat food on a plane. You choose your meal type (you can even pick a Japanese meal!) but you have to deal with turbulence and other challenges along the way.

Now something has this totally beat. It’s the right stupid game for this stupid timeline we live in. Rawdog Simulator.

This summer ‘raw dogging’ has been the rage, because someone decided that it means sitting on a plane staring into space with nothing to do – nothing to read, no inflight entertainment – and the phrase itself sounds vaguely transgressive.

Some say this is great for you (meditation!) while others say it’s a danger to your mental health. But no matter how much people want to make this an actual trend, there haven’t been more people doing it. Sure, perhaps it happened more often starting seven years ago as American Airlines – which used to have seat back screens on most domestic planes – started taking them out. But there’s not really a new trend here.

If you don’t want to do it for real on a plane, and just want to try out the concept, here is how the game works: you board the flight, pick a seat, and then sit. And stare. For as long as you can.

The game claims to use “eye tracking” technology to ensure that you stay focused on your computer screen and aren’t cheating by diverting your gaze. When you’re done rawdogging, the game records how long you played and, if you’re one of the top rawdoggers, your results are published to a public list on the game’s website. ..[I]t would appear that the player known as “mew no last name” is the reigning champ, with a recorded 18 hours and 40 minutes of gameplay.

Maybe just play the newest Flight Simulator instead?

(HT: Paul H)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community InsideFlyer.com, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Sounds boring AF, but to each their own. I don’t see how it could be dangerous though – can’t be worse for you than getting completely plastered and having the worst headache after. Or worse yet, getting into a fight with other pax and/or crew.

  2. There’s occasional mentions of this in British newspapers … I thought it was a joke … the most absurd thing imaginable … that some people would believe. Really, this a challenge? Hazardous to your health? Worrying you might accidentally do something?

  3. I have been doing that for 15 years already, even on long flights to south america
    The thing is that now idiots on tik tok have to keep making up stuff for clicks

  4. As stupid as the whole idea is, I do remember trips from the US to Europe seemed like torture before IFE and wifi.

  5. Right up there with the advice that the cartoonist Robert Crumb gave to readers who complained about his work. “Put your head in a bucket of water three times and take it out twice.”

  6. It’s getting more socially acceptable to be a psychopath.

    Do people only do things now when they are told to by influencers? Can’t you just stare out the window and think, and not have it be some kind of achievement? FFS, people.

  7. I totally wish the rawdog thing was real. Image, a seatmate stranger who doesn’t eat or drink, leaves the window shade wherever you want, doesn’t recline onto your knees, and shuts up rather than pestering you or having some loud obnoxious talk with a (obviously near-deaf) person on the phone. Would you rather have this apparently fictional person sitting nearby? I sure would.

  8. Airlines don’t have to provide much of anything anymore. Staring into space is not unusual since we’re crammed in like cattle.

  9. David said… “As stupid as the whole idea is, I do remember trips from the US to Europe seemed like torture before IFE and wifi.”

    Ah yes, but if you recall it was far easier to use the bathroom when everyone was watching the same movie at the same time on a big screen.

  10. @DaninMCI +1

    MSNBC watchers would also have the same good manners towards neighbors. A Fox viewer would be frothing at the mouth because someone else sat on “Their” couch or screaming about how migrants took more than 100% of all jobs last month.

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