Genius: Rewards For Sending In Cut Up Credit Cards [Roundup]

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About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. Why was the easyjet PAX banned? He did nothing wrong. The lavatory is private. It’s the FA who should be banned for exposing PRIVATE activity.

  2. @gary

    Can you clarify why you keep referring to Brady as a Crypto scammer? I get that he was in the mix along with a lot of other big celebrities, but is there evidence/proof that he was “in on it” in terms of knowing it was a scam and playing along?

    I’m not here to argue, just trying to educate myself and posing the question to someone I respect vs. trying to slog through the bowels of the internet.

  3. I actually like the robot. I’m a firm believer in throwing away my own trash and a robot coming by and collecting it? Works for me. It’s not likely taking away anyone’s job; the lounge staff can focus on things like making sure there’s enough food out and the like instead of collecting trash. I don’t have to get up just to throw something away.


  4. @Jeff – Gary is both biased and going for clicks. Brady was a paid spokesperson like others, nothing more or less, and he lost a lot in the process. No need to defame the man Gary!!

  5. @Jeff – Brady wasn’t just a paid endorser, he was an owner of the business. And he convinced a lot of people to trust their money to the site, without adequate due diligence or regard for his own reputation.

  6. @ Gary — Maybe the Freddies can add an award for “Worst Airline Elite Program” award…for Delta. Perhaps a Lifetime Achievement Award since they are so good at screwing over customers perpetually?

  7. Saw a robot cleaner in the UA ORD F area lounge around 4 weeks ago.

    It didn’t have arms or someone could be forgiven for calling it Rosie (from the Jetsons).

  8. Who ISN”T fatigued these days?!?! The pilots need to grow a pair and either agree to work the ALREADY-SAFE schedule, or take a job at McDonalds with flexible hours for flakey people. If you’re too tired to fly after 8 hours of sleep, then it’s a medical issue and we don’t want you as a pilot.

  9. Maybe Gary or a friend lost money betting against Brady. This seems to be one of his “dog with a bone” things. “Owners” are no more than shareholders, and also lose out if the officers are crooks, just like the shareholders of Lucent lost tons of money because the people running the business were fudging the numbers. I remember, being one of those owners and being in no way in on the scam. And no one went to jail. So why are people buying, of all things, crypto, based on celebrity endorsements?

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