Whoa: Cruise Bookings For 2021 Are Actually UP During The Coronavirus Crisis?

Apr 16 2020

It’s taken as almost a given that the cruise industry is going to suffer for the long term. After seeing shifts sailing endlessly, not welcomed in any port, and becoming floating petri dishes for the spread of disease, who is going to get back on a ship?

And yet there are reports that cruise bookings are actually up compared to the same point in 2019, with cruise customers saying they’ll sail again.

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Emirates Is Now Performing Rapid COVID-19 Tests Prior To Some Flights From Dubai

Apr 15 2020

The plan is to do testing on all passengers prior to boarding flights to countries that require COVID-19 test certificates for entry. For the first time a finger prick test was used prior to today’s Dubai – Tunis, Tunisia flight.

If this is feasible at scale, then expect it to be a practice that spreads (and makes it easier for countries to require such a practice). Expect it to add to the time, hassle, and expense of travel, but also to open up borders faster.

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Why Business Travel Will Never Return

Apr 15 2020

The coronavirus crisis will have long-lasting effects on travel. I don’t think travel companies have internalized this reality yet, with many still projecting a bounce back in the summer and fall and a return to 2019 levels of travel next year or at least by the year after. That’s unlikely.

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California Is Filling Empty Hotels Up With Homeless

Apr 15 2020

Hotel bank partners are funding rooms for hospital workers to sleep in otherwise-empty hotels. Another source of revenue for hoteliers right now is housing the homeless who need a place to quarantine during the coronavirus crisis.

Here’s the scale of the project, which sorts of hotels are participating, and how much they can make – at least in California.

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How Air France Sees Travel Returning In The Coming Months

air france plane
Apr 14 2020

Air France KLM sees travel returning gradually over the course of the year. They expect to run 20% of normal capacity in June, 40% in July, 60% in August and then hover around 75% of normal for the rest of the year.

Despite currently losing an average of 20 million euros per day, they’re still planning to accept delivery of Airbus A350 aircraft in May and June.

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Marriott Giving CEO Big Raise While Business Craters, Tens Of Thousands Furloughed

robber being caught red handed
Apr 14 2020

It shouldn’t be surprising that even as Marriott CEO Arne Sorenson announced that he would stop taking his salary through the end of the year, in light of the hotel giant furloughing tens of thousands of workers and the majority of corporate staff amidst the cratering of their business during the coronavirus crisis, he’s actually being given a raise. It must be all of those resort fees they pocketed, which Sorenson said are good for us.

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