Southwest Will Start Booking Flights To Full Capacity December 1

airline seats
Oct 22 2020

Southwest Airlines has limited the number of seats they’d sell on each flight, so that no one would have to be in a middle seat and everyone would have some space between them. They’ve been in a camp with Delta, Alaska, and JetBlue offering customers greater comfort (both physical, and peace of mind during the pandemic) and in opposition to United Airlines and American that have been booking to full capacity.

We’ve known that this strategy wouldn’t last.

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About The Woman Who Died Of Covid-19 On A Flight To Dallas

Oct 21 2020

A woman died of Covid-19 on a Spirit Airlines flight from Phoenix to Dallas Fort-Worth on July 24. The story is only just now being reported. And the facts seemed so obviously not alarming that I didn’t cover it right away. But now that I’m seeing claims like, “so much for the ‘you can’t catch covid on a plane’ nonsense” that it’s clearly important to dive in.

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American Airlines CEO Scoffs At Fringe Republicans Who Don’t Support Another Airline Bailout

Oct 21 2020

American Airlines CEO spoke to a group of pilots a question and answer session posted to the company’s intranet on Monday. In his introductory remarks he talked about the politics of the next coronavirus stimulus bill, which includes more payroll support for U.S. airlines.

He suggested that it’s only “a handful of really fiscal conservative Republicans who just think you know, who just viscerally disagree with the government doing anything that looks like you might be funding a business” who push back on another $25 billion airline bailout.

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American Airlines CEO: Today’s Passengers Are “Somewhat Different From Our Normal Clientele”

Oct 21 2020

In an employee question and answer session with pilots, posted to the American Airlines intranet on Monday, CEO Doug Parker laid out an overview of his airline and the industry.

American may fly more and still not earn as much money because they’re doing lower revenue flying. With a bit of a chuckle, Parker offers that today’s passengers are “somewhat different from our normal clientele.” Then he backtracks a bit, “we love all our customers of course!”

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Alaska Airlines Up To 30% Off Depending On The Height Of The Waves In Hawaii And California

Oct 20 2020

Alaska Airlines runs squirrely sales, like discounts tied to the number of Russell Wilson touchdowns, but customers can benefit if they pay attention (and if sports results break just right).

Right now airlines might as well try anything, because although over 1 million people crossed through TSA checkpoints on Sunday that’s still down over 60% year-over-year. So Alaska is at it with a new sale based on the height of waves in California and Hawaii.

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