Data: How Badly Are Hotels Hurting So Far?

Mar 19 2020

For the week of March 8 – 14, hotel data on occupancy and room rates is now available. In the U.S. revenue per available room was down a whopping 32.5% year-over-year. Since occupancy was ‘only’ down 24.4% by then, we can confidently state that things are worse this week, and will gett worse still.

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You Can Now Install Your Own Stained Glass Window Next To Your Airplane Seat

Mar 19 2020

Real customers have come up with inventions to improve the inflight experience. They’re not always uncontroversial. The knee defender keeps the passenger in front of you from reclining but has also led to conflicts. Less so the armrest splitter or the spAIRtray which gives you a little ledge beside the window seat that you install in the aircraft window.

Now comes a new innovation truly for our times: a stick on, peel off faux stained glass window to create ambiance in the cabin, help you pray, and stand between you and germs on the window.

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American Airlines President Robert Isom Says No Bailout Needed, Will Take The Money Anyway

Mar 19 2020

In London just in advance of travel restrictions going into effect, American Airlines President Robert Isom traveled across the Pond to speak to employees there. American employees nearly 1000 people in the U.K.

He spoke at the British Airways headquarters at Waterside, and said that while they aren’t going to spend “even a dollar” that they do not have to, they owe it to customers not to degrade the inflight experience and that the company is “prepared to weather any type of storms that come up and says there’s “enough cash on hand to weather downturns in the business.” And that was before they picked up another billion dollars just today. Still they want to ensure that if the government is handing out money, they’re well-positioned to get some.

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Crazy Times Bring Out Dumb Ideas, and Nationalizing Airlines Is The Worst

Mar 18 2020

Former White House Chief of Staff and former Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel is known for saying ‘never let a crisis go to waste.’ It’s an opportunity to push an agenda. So as the airline bailout train leaves the station some people are advocating the consumer protection rules that they wanted anyway. Others (like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) want the financial reforms they want anyway.

If you hate air travel you want to use this crisis to nationalize the airlines, an idea put forward by the left wing American Prospect.

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