Airport Covid-Sniffing Dogs Appear To Be As Accurate As PCR Tests, With Instant Results

Nov 03 2020

The Helsinki airport ‘Covid-sniffing dogs’ pilot project has gotten a lot of press, but now we have more robust results.

Ultimately if Covid-sniffing dogs would work, that could allow people to be sniffed on the way into the airport and could also open the possibility of having large events again. It amounts to universal and instantaneous testing, provided that training for both the dogs and their handlers could scale.

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United Airlines Pulls Flight Attendants Out Of Downtown Hotels Over Potential Election Unrest

Nov 02 2020

Beginning today, and expected to last for at least a week, United Airlines has stopped overnighting flight crew at downtown hotels in several cities including Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Philadelphia, Portland, and Seattle.

The Chicago-based carrier, which has also moved its flight operations out of downtown Chicago to an alternate location, is making preparations for “potential election unrest.”

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Despite Elite Status, Playboy Playmate Kicked Off Southwest Airlines Over Revealing Outfit

Nov 02 2020

Eve Marie is a Southwest Airlines A-List member and companion pass holder. She also identifies herself as a Playboy Playmate. She reports being removed from of a Southwest Airlines flight on Thursday because her top was deemed too revealing.

She was eventually allowed to fly – but only when she covered up with clothing lent to her by a crewmember. Not she’s calling for change at the Dallas-based carrier.

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You’ll Still Have To Wear Masks On Planes Even When There’s A Vaccine

Nov 02 2020

A first generation vaccine, unless it turns out to be both highly effective and widely taken, won’t end the pandemic on its own. I wrote back in early summer that a first generation vaccine, on its own, probably wouldn’t get us out of the pandemic but combined with other measures would make life – and travel – more normal than it used to be. We now have a new study, with new math, backing up this view.

How effective these first vaccines turn out to be, combined with how many people take them, will drive when mask mandates go away. A ‘vaccine only’ isn’t going to do it. We’re going to be stuck wearing masks on planes for some time.

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Director Of ‘Women For Trump’ Blasts American Airlines For Making Her Gate Check Bag

Nov 02 2020

Kylie Jane Kremer who runs a Political Action Committee called Women for Trump took to twitter to complain that American Airlines wouldn’t let her bring her carry on bag onto her flight to Atlanta, enroute to a Trump campaign rally. She thinks the reason why had nothing to do with available overhead bin space on her regional jet – but because of her Melania Trump hat.

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How The Conspiracy Theory Explanation Of Covid-19 Begins At An Airport

Nov 01 2020

Last week’s Airlines Confidential podcast was recorded at the Boyd International Aviation Forecast Summit, and Mike Boyd was on briefly and dropped – almost as an aside – “one little thing drops out of a lab in Wuhan..” and aviation is upended.

I’d walk through the ‘conspiracy theory’ of the virus, not just because of what SARS-CoV-2 has done to aviation (since it’s done even more to human lives) but also because the conspiracy actually involves the Wuhan airport.

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