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Monthly Archives for June 2018.

Marriott Guts Travel Package Redemptions

marriott package
Jun 28 2018

Marriott offers ‘travel packages‘ where you redeem points for airline miles and a seven night hotel stay (there are also 5 night packages, intended for timeshare owners, these have become tougher to get if you aren’t a timeshare owner).

The value here is that you get transfers of points to miles at a rate that’s good enough you’re more or less getting a free hotel stay thrown in.

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Chase’s 5/24 is Expanding

credit card with chains wrapped around it
Jun 28 2018

On Wednesday I attended a briefing with Chase and Hyatt executives about the new Hyatt co-brand card that launches today. I’ll have more on that today.

We talked through the reasons for the new card benefits and had time for some question and answer. I asked about Chase’s “5/24” rule.

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Caution: Marriott’s New Chart is Good for Top Hotels, But Not As Good as You Think

hotel pool
Jun 28 2018

I’m seeing a ton of coverage of Marriott’s new award chart lauding the top points price of the most expensive hotels. For instance, Dan’s Deals: wrote AMAZING! Marriott’s New Award Chart Is A Dream Come True For Aspirational Hotels. This is indeed good news, but it needs to be tempered.

In many cases this won’t actually be a price cut of two-thirds like it appears at first glance.

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Marriott’s New August Award Charts Are Online

outside marriott hotel
Jun 28 2018

Marriott has finally released hotel category assignments, letting us know the redemption pricing of hotels starting sometime in August. Hotels only received what category they’d be assigned to two weeks ago.

They’re highlighting that “Nearly 70 percent of all participating hotels can be redeemed for the same or fewer points.” That doesn’t actually sound good to me, though they point out 52% of hotels go down in price while 31% go up which is a little better.

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