Airline Threatens Pilots With Jail for Secretly Filming Flight Attendants Having Sex

While a career as a pilot is more accessible to women than ever before, it remains heavily male-dominated and culturally masculine.

Still here’s something I’ve never come across before. German airline Condor, which serves a dozen U.S. destinations including my home city of Austin, is issuing a stern warning to pilots not to film flight attendants having sex in flight.

A German airline has threatened pilots with two years in jail if they secretly film stewardesses having sex on planes or pass the videos around.

Holiday carrier Condor Airlines was forced into the move after bosses heard rumours that its pilots were passing round videos and pictures of stewardesses in sex acts with other staff on planes or other company sites.The images were being bartered like trophies between pilots on the airline..

Copyright: gordzam / 123RF Stock Photo

The airline is concerned that a flight could be endangered by pilot filming antics, presumably they ignore their duties in the cockpit in search of crew having sex. So if pilots are caught filming these acts they can be fired, and if a flight “is endangered” they could face “two years in prison” according to a warning the airline posted to an internal website.

“We have learned of the following facts: within the circle of the pilots, there are obviously some colleagues secretly taking photos and/or video recordings of the female colleagues who show the affected persons in clear sexual acts,” the website said, according to German news magazine Focus.

Crew rest bunk, American Airlines Boeing 787-8

I do wonder if this whole thing is apocryphal despite the airline taking it seriously and issuing warnings since apparently the airline “has not yet been able to unearth any staff sex videos.” Or perhaps it’s one of those things where everyone knows where the drugs are except the authorities.

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. SO that’s the pounding sound I hear above me coming from the crew rest pod in the ceiling of the plane……

  2. Isn’t it curious the airline chose to crack down on filming, rather than stopping the problem of stewardesses having sex during flights? Is it that much easier to curb the effect instead of addressing the cause?

  3. So, is CONDOR a “full service” airline or do you have to pay “additional fees” for the service? Since I don’t have to worry about being filmed in the act by a pilot, how do I got about this?

  4. “A German airline has threatened pilots with two years in jail if they secretly film stewardesses having sex on planes or pass the videos around.” – Umm how about they do something about their slutty stewardesses who apparently can’t make it through a flight without having sex? Its a job not a nightclub.

  5. Now I get why Condor is Germany’s full service airline. Sounds like one heck of a party onboard their flights. Much better than flying AA or UA across the pond.

  6. An obvious marketing ploy, particulatry for carriers wanting to penetrate the predominatley male business market.

    Come on.

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